Stock Ticker, Stock Symbols Meaning, Definition with Examples


Stock Ticker also known as the stock ticker are used when finding stock prices or quotes of a specific company stocks. Know the meaning of stock ticker now.

Stock Ticker Definition: A stock ticker are the official symbols of a specific company stocks used when finding stock quotes and stock prices in newspapers, stock market news portal or in a stock online trading platform. Stock ticker consist of one or more letters that serve as the abbreviation of a traded company stocks. Say for example, the company Apple, Inc. stock ticker is AAPL. When a person wants to know the stock price of Apple, Inc. today, he should not look for the word “Apple, Inc.”, instead he will use the abbreviation of Apple stocks – APPL. Take a look at this post on how to find stock quote in CNN Money.


The stock ticker of VISA is only one letter, V. And the stock symbol of AT&T also consist of one letter only, letter T. So, when you typed V or T in the Google finance or Yahoo finance or to other investment websites, you will most likely get the stock price of these companies.

If you are a newbie investor in the stock market, you should familiarize the stock ticker of the stocks you want to buy or sell. Also, if you are familiar with the stock symbols, you will easily understand which stocks is the best performing stocks and the least performing stocks. Top gainers and losers.

The Uses of Stock Ticker

You can use the stock symbol when;

  • Looking for stock prices.
  • Buying stock shares.
  • Finding historical stock prices.
  • Analyzing stocks.
Searching the stock price of AT&T using its stock ticker letter T in NASDAQ.

Example of Stock Ticker

In our prvious example, we use Apple, Inc. and the stock ticker is APPL. What if you want to know the stock ticker or stock symbol of other companies like McDonalds, Coca Cola, Caterpillar, Nike, HSBC, Citigroup, Intel, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. Here are some of the popular stock tickers or symbols;

MMM – 3M Co.
AXP – American Express Co.
T – AT&T, Inc.
BA – Boeing Co
CAT _ Caterpillar, Inc.
CVX – Chevron Corp.
DD – E I du Pont de Nemours and Co
GE – General Electric Co
XOM – Exxon Mobil Corp
CSCO – Cisco Systems Inc
GS – Goldman Sachs Group Inc
HD – Home Depot Inc
IBM – International Business Machines Corp
JNJ – Johnson & Johnson
INTC – Intel Corp
JPM – JPMorgan Chase and Co
MCD – McDonald’s Corp
MRK – Merck & Co Inc
MSFT – Microsoft Corp
NKE – Nike Inc
PFE – Pfizer Inc
PG – Procter & Gamble Co
KO – The Coca-Cola Co
TRV – Travelers Companies Inc
UNH – UnitedHealth Group Inc
VZ – Verizon Communications Inc
V – Visa Inc
UTX – United Technologies Corp
WMT – Wal-Mart Stores Inc
DIS – Walt Disney Co

Other Popular Stock Tickers

Aside from the 30 companies listed in Dow Jones Industrial Average, here are some of the popular stocks you can familiarize together with their tickers and symbols;

  • Facebook – FB
  • Google – GOOGL
  • Yahoo – YHOO

Some of these stocks are listed in the mega cap tech stocks. They are leader in technology and electronics industry. I use stock ticker whenever I want to know the performance or historical stock price like when I published a post regarding the increase of FB (Facebook, Inc.) stock price.

Let me know if you have questions regarding stock ticker. What about you? How do you usually search for stock price? Did you use the company name of the stock symbol? Leave a comment below. Do not forget to share this information about stock ticker to your friends and other investors.

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