Safest Investments for Retirement Income

A reader asked; are there any safest investments for retirement income? Hi Admin. Please tell me how to find the best investment offers and the safest investment for my hard-earned money. I am Katherine from Sydney Australia, I found your blog useful and easy to understand. Looking forward to hear from you.Our Response: There are many investment opportunities and investment offers around the world. In personal finance, we teach how to spot investment scam. To find the best offers, make sure the one who is offering it is legitimate and licensed or registered under your country’s securities and exchange commission (in Australia).

Second, it is ideal that the offer is earning 5 % above the inflation rate. If the inflation rate is 4% every year, then, the offers must earning 9% a year.


Third, you should be familiar with the offer. If you don’t know the investment offer don’t pursue it. To succeed in investing we have to follow certain rules; know what you’re doing, and know why you’re doing it.

You can never lose money if you know what you’re doing. Study and investigate the offers. If it sounds to good to be true, don’t get lured about it. Forget it and find another one.

Safest Investments for Retirement Income

The best way to do is to find a registered stock broker and invest in stock market (in your country – that is ASX – Australian Stock Exchange, visit

Advice: Learn how to distribute your investments properly according to your age. During retirement years, avoid too much taking high risk investments. Consider bonds and other money market funds!

Do not forget to attend investing seminars, read books and investing forums. Ask a financial consultant in your local area about your financial plan so that you can get solid advice on where to invest your hard-earned money.

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