ROI means Return on Information; Robert T. Kiyosaki Explained


ROI means return on information and not return on investment. I am just kidding! In financial and investment world, no wonder ROI is one of the most talked topics, it is the RETURN ON INVESTMENT. The investors will determine the possible return on his investments whether he is investing in a low risk or high risk types. Investors do analyze the risks, they manage the risks and during those process, they encounter “stress” or even worrying. Nobody wants to lose money. Every investor’s goal is to make money from their investments. That’s why they are willing to take risks. An intelligent investor don’t just take risk, they do think and analyze the possible rewards. Is the investment offers worth the wait?

While I am reading cash flow quadrant and just opened some pages, I read a good statement from Robert T. Kiyosaki about ROI. He explained ROI is return on information.


The more you know, the more money you can make. Is it true? Why there are many people who are knowledgeable, talented, gifted, they have brilliant ideas but they aren’t millionaire? There are also many people who only knows few things but they make a lot of money. What’s the difference?

Some people know the things that really matter, and that is making money. What’s the sense of knowing something if you can’t make money out of it. It’s a total waste of time.

ROI: Return on Information

Imagine a newbie investor and a expert investor. A newbie investor might know just “how to invest”, while the expert investor knows when to invest and when to divest. Who makes the most money? The expert investor makes the most money while the newbie investor might just lose money.

How do many investors really make money? It’s all about the information. If you are well informed, you know what to do and what not to do with your investments. Through gathering information, you will make money because you know the possible results when you invest money for something.

“In my world, ROI stands for a Return On Information. This means that the more information I have, the higher my returns—and the lower my risk.

I caution you, because what I am about to say may sound insane or too good to be true. Yet I assure you, it is true.

In my world, the world of a Level-4 and Level-5 investor, an infinite return is expected—and with low risk. An infinite return means “money for nothing.” In other words, investors receive income without having any of their own money in the investment.”

Say something about the statement about ROI that stands for return on information. is Robert T. Kiyosaki absolutely right? Did you understand what he said about return on information? Share this article with your friends.

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