Ripple XRP Price Increase Rapidly from Cents ($0.21) to One Dollar $1


Wondering why Ripple XRP price increase rapidly? Maybe you own some XRp coins and you want to sell it now but you are thinking twice because you think that $1 will eventually turn into $100 or even $1,000 like BitCoin BTC price, well I hope so. I have few XRP coins in my portfolio and other alt coins.

Many cryptocurrency traders and investors spotted the Ripple XRP price this December 2017. When I bought my RIPPLE XRP, its price is only $0.21 and now it is above dollar. Ripple XRp is my favorite coins. What about you, is RIpple XRp also your favorite coin?


Ripple XRP Price Increase Rapidly from Cents ($0.21) to One Dollar $1

Imagine if you hold 1,000,000 Ripple XRP coins, you have more than one million dollars today. Maybe you ask, Ripple now is better than BitCoin, since BTC has already expensive value, Ripple may give opportunity for those who missed BitCoin from cents to thousand dollars in price today.

Hold Ripple XRP for Dear Life

Are you a Ripple XRP Hodler? Yes, HODLER, Hold On for Dear Life, Will you hold your Ripple XRP and wait until the XRP price will turn into thousands of dollars? Or will you partially sell your XRp coins and invest or trade to other promising alt coins? Let me know your comments and strategies for this aspects. Ripple will soon become $10 or more for this year 2018 and for 2019,Ripple XRP Price will be $100 or more.

Start a conversation below about Ripple XRP and tips on how to keep the XRP coins safe and secured! Let’s just wait for the results because these coin might be the best cryptocurrency ever aside from BitCoin. Thanks for reading!

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