Simple Return on Investment Calculator Online


This simple return on investment calculator is easy to use. It can help you calculate your return on investment by simply typing your initial investment and the return amount or the earnings. Whether you’re investing in stocks, real estate, mutual funds, business ownership, as long as you know the total money you invested and know how much you earned from your investments.

Just subtract your expenses or total investment to your gross income so that you can use this return on investment calculator. Example, if you enter one thousand dollars ($1,000) as your initial investment and you insert $2,000 as your return amount or earnings, that means your investment gained 100%. Try this ROI calculator online.


Try different methods in calculating ROI;

  • How to Calculate Return on Investment
  • Return on Investment Formula

Simple Return on Investment Calculator Online

Courtesy of EasyCalculation.Com

Other Simple Return on Investment Calculator Online from Other Sites

If you are not satisfied in this return on investment calculator, you can choose some of the ROI calculators online I found useful. Other ROI return on investment calculators I can recommend are as follows;

  1. Money Zine
  2. Pine Grove
  3. Money Chimp
  4. BankRate ROI Calculator
  5. Pardot ROI Calculator

Did you find this return on investment calculator online useful? Have you tried it or do you want to use the comprehensive ROI calculator than can calculate the annual yield of your investments? I hope you found this page useful. Kindly share this with your friends. And, if you know other useful return on investment calculator online, just mention it in your comment. Thanks!

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