Microsoft Stock Price: MSFT Historical Stock Prices 2014


Microsoft stock price history for the year 2014. Know how Microsoft stocks performed this year by checking MSFT historical stock prices.

Stock trading and investing seems profitable this year. Planning to buy stocks preferably MSFT on 2015? Here is the Microsoft MSFT stock price as of 2014. Let us find out the performance of MSFT stock using the 2014 historical stock data. Microsoft Corporation is a well-known company in tech industry.


It provides high quality software. We can’t imagine our lives doing our daily work without Microsoft Windows. A big thank to Bill gates; he is the founder of Microsoft Corporation. Bill Gates is the most richest man in the world according to He has a net worth amounting to $Billion, he is the most high net worth individuals in the world. Microsoft ranked #2 for the most valuable technology brands in the world.

Microsoft Corporation’s Top Executives are;
As of December 2014, Microsoft Corporation has 128,000 full time employees. The Chief Executive Officer and Director is Mr. Satya Nadella and Mr. William Henry Gates III (Co-Founder) as the Technology Advisor and Director. Microsoft Corporation’s Chief Financial Officer and Executive VP is Ms. Amy E. Hood, for Chief Operating Officer is Mr. Brian Kevin Turner and Dr. Heung-Yeung Shum as the Executive VP of Technology and Research

Historical Stock Price of MSFT Microsoft Corporation

On January 2, 2014  MSFT stock price was 37.35 as the open price and it increase 47.88 on December 1, 2014. The MSFT stock increased about $10.53 or 28.19% from January 2 to December 1 for the year 2014. It was a great decision if you bought MSFT stock this 2014.

Image Credit: Mike Mozart via Flickr CC 2.0

Still wants to buy MSFT stock on 2015? It is an investor’s pleasure to buy a growing stocks like MSFT. Experts says you have to choose the giant and stable companies in the tech industry. We are now in a past face technology; an information age not on industrial age.

Microsoft Stock Price: MSFT Historical Stock Prices 2014

January 2, 2014 37.35 37.89 34.63 37.84
February 3, 2014 37.74 38.46 35.69 38.31
March 3, 2014 37.92 41.50 37.49 40.99
April 1, 2014 41.15 41.66 38.90 40.40
May 1, 2014 40.24 40.97 38.51 40.94
June 2, 2014 40.95 42.29 39.86 41.70
July 1, 2014 41.86 45.71 41.05 43.16
August 1, 2014 43.21 45.47 42.21 45.43
September 2, 2014 45.43 47.57 44.53 46.36
October 1, 2014 46.27 46.97 42.10 46.95
November 3, 2014 46.89 50.05 46.73 47.81
December 1, 2014 47.88 49.06 47.71 48.42

Note: The currency is in US Dollar Data Source:Yahoo Finance

See Also: Yahoo, Inc (YHOO) Stock Price 2014, Facebook, Inc. (FB) Stock Price 2014 and Google, Inc. (GOOG) Stock Price 2014

Disclaimer: The data is not guaranteed as accurate. Business names and trademarks mentioned in this websites are owned by their respective companies. Past performance of a stocks doesn’t guarantee future returns.

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What can you say about Microsoft stock price history for the year 2014? Do you think MSFT will be one of the best stocks to buy this year? Share your comment below.

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