Monthly Investment Goal: September 2013


Here is my monthly investment goal. People are waiting for “ber” moth, lot of bonuses, 13th month pay or maybe Christmas bonus, but  for us, when the month of  September comes, it means we are on a investing anniversary and of course, the birthday of my lovely and beautiful wife is during September. This year 2013, me and wife started to invest in different investment products.

We are confident that we will become rich and acquire P10,000,000 when we retire in our jobs and business. September 2013, what is our investment goal? We make our monthly investment with a total amount and which specific investment products should we put our money.


What are the things to be consider before investing your money? Here are my suggestions if you want also to get involved in investing in mutual funds, stock market, unit investment trust funds and time deposits.

Acquire Knowledge in Investing

Before you invest your money, you have to study first your current situation, not only that, you must also study how investing works, are you a risk taker – do you like low risk or high risk?

Do you know how to make profits in investing and most importantly, your plan, is it monthly, per quarter or yearly. We choose monthly investing because we want to become a disciplined investor.

“Pay Yourself First” Rule

A disciplined investor must follow the rules in “pay yourself first”, you must set aside first on how much money you should invest every month before buying anything or spending your money in different ways.

In order for you to learn this rule, please read our articles about saving money tips and best ways to spend money wisely.

Budgeting is Importance

You must have the food of course, and other necessities, if you are buying only what you want and not your needs, you are on the “trap” of not using your money, please read how to budget your money and know how to set aside money for your monthly investment goal.

Life Insurance is a Must

We plan to buy life insurance, maybe term-life and not the variable link unit. a VUL, is a combination of life insurance and investment, we have investments on mutual funds, UITF and stocks, so we don’t need VUL this time.

Related: I bought Life Insurance at BPI Phil Am

We believe, life insurance will protect our investment. No more discussions about here, as simple as that, because we want to attract good things, health, money, no more talk about negative thoughts. Sorry for that.

Start Your Own Business

We have agri-business, where in it helps us to increase our daily income, and help us to continue our investment within the target date (some are 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and for retirement). A business is very important, we are not relying only in our salary to make investments in different types.

Learn how to start your own business here or read our articles about how to make money online, just to make extra cash on the internet, simple ways to increase your monthly income.

Monthly Investment Goal: September 2013

Here are the amount we should invest every month;
Mutual Funds: $2,500.00 per month
UITF (Unit Investment Trust Fund): $2,500.00
Stock Market: $5,000.00
Savings: $1,000.00
Life Insurance: $1,700
Real Estate: coming soon
Business Capital: $30,000.00

We do not want to mention the company, broker or the banks that offers UITF, stock market and mutual fund investment for security reasons, thank you for reading this September 2013 monthly investment goal, wait for our October 2013  Monthly Investment Goal.

You can our articles about how to retire millionaire and the secret of becoming rich so that you can be motivated to invest your money too, for financial future, let us all achieve time and financial freedom.

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