Mega Cap Tech Stocks in North America


Looking for Mega Cap tech stocks in North America? Here are the Mega-Cap Technology companies stocks in North America particularly in USA. A company’s stock can considered as a Mega-Cap stock if the assets are more than $100 Billion. Stock investors are buying stocks that belongs to a large market capitalization.

Investors believes these stocks are more stable. Example, Apple, Inc. a multi-billion dollar company is going to demonstrate more stability in its stock price. An interesting question arises, why Apple stocks are good stocks to buy.


Thus, mega-cap stocks are attractive to investors because of their stability. The stocks prices, quotes may change from time to time.

Mega Cap Tech Stocks in USA

Stocks Company Profile Market Cap
Apple, Inc. Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computers, and portable digital music players worldwide. $641.2 Billion Computer Manufacturing
Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Corporation develops, licenses, markets, and supports software, services, and devices worldwide. $385.44 Billion Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing
Google, Inc. Google Inc., a technology company, builds products and provides services to organize the information. $359.23 Billion Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing
Google, Inc. The company offers Google Search, which provides information online. $356.01 Billion Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing
 Facebook, Inc Facebook, Inc. operates as a social networking company worldwide. $218.71 Billion Computer Software: Programming, Data Processing
Source: NASDAQ and Financial Content (for Stock Quotes and Prices)

Historical Stock Prices

  1. Apple Stock Price: AAPL Historical  Stock Price
  2. Microsoft Stock Price: MSFT Historical Stock Price
  3. Facebook Stock Price: FB Historical Stock Price
  4. Google Stock Price: GOOGL Historical Stock Price

You Might Want to Know!

  1. Guide on How to Invest in the Stock Market- guide on how to invest in the stock market.
  2. Best Stocks to Buy – find out the basis of choosing the best stocks to buy.
  3. See also, most valuable brands in technology.

Know More About the Mega Cap Tech Stocks

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