Kinaxis Inc. (KXS.TO) Stock Price Went from $13.00 to $210 in 6.5 Years


Is Kinaxis Inc. (KXS.TO) stock a good stocks to buy today? You might heard about Kinaxis Inc. (KXS.TO) stocks went from $45 not going up to $209.85 as its closing price on October 20, 2020. Many investors are buying stocks related “technology”. In this era, we have  the fast pace technology, whether the company is selling products and services, online shopping, or selling computer software or inventing and innovating new mobile phones and cars, these companies stocks are “hot” to the investors’ eyes.

Let’s talk about Kinaxis, Inc. 

“Kinaxis is a supply chain management and sales and operation planning software company based in Ottawa, Ontario. It is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and is a S&P/TSX Composite Component. The company was founded in 1984 by Duncan Klett and two others as Cadence Computer Corporation and went public in June 2014.”


Company CEO is John Sicard, and Kinaxis, Inc. revenue is 191.5 million USD on 2019. It has 500 number of employees located in Ontario Canada.

Kinaxis, Inc. Social Profiles

You can learn more updates, news, and information related to Kinaxis, Inc. products, services, innovation and programs using social media networks.

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On June 1, 2014. Kinaxis Inc. (KXS.TO) Stock opening price is only $13.oo. After 6 years, on June 1, 2020 the Kinaxis, Inc. stock price appreciates up to $176.00

Kinaxis Inc. (KXS.TO) Stock Price Affected by Pandemic Lockdown?

Kinaxis Inc. (KXS.TO) Stock Price Went from $13.00 to $210 in 6.5 Years

Slightly affected, but overall, these stock is quiet doing well from May, 2020 up to this month (October) of the same year.

Kinaxis, Inc. Stocks Prediction

Kinaxis Inc. (KXS.TO) Stock Price Action

Take a look at the chart, just watch our for Kinaxis, Inc. price if its drop to 209.85, $200, 190.83. We just think that those areas are the best price to buy (or cheaper than these price for better returns).

Did You Know?

Did you know that if you bought 1,000 Kinaxis, Inc stocks on June 1, 2014 at an opening price of $13 per share and you sell today after 6.5 years (October 20, 202 you will receive astonishing investment returns.

  • 1,000 X 13 per share = $13,000 (trading fees and tax not included)
  • 1,000 X 209.85 per share = $209,850.00 (trading fees and tax not included)
  • Investment Gain: $196,850.00
  • ROI: 1,514.23% (Wow in 6.5 years time)
  • ROI Per Annum: 54.54%

Can you guess how much percentage on your ROI if this is the investment scenario? Leave a comment below.

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