IMGN Stock Price Today Will Give Investors Idea to Buy or Sell


Familiar with IMGN stock? Well, IMGN stock is the stock of ImmunoGen, Inc. from United States operating Biotechnology industry under healthcare sector.

IMGN Stock was asked by our readers from California, he asked if this is the right time to buy IMGN stock. Here’s what we can read in his email message; …”hello I always read daily investing tips and I found your article very useful, do you think the stock price of ImmunoGen, Inc will soon rise or fall? I want to buy IGMN stock worth $1,000, kindly give me investment idea, thanks in advance”.


And we replied…

“We don’t give or offer investment advice, we just teach how to invest, how to trade, how to buy and sell stocks even United States stocks like IMGN, Apple, AMZN, Facebook, Alphabet, etc. Just visit our daily investing tips blog and read our post about IMGN stock price, and what to do with it, sell or buy more stocks.”.

IMGN Stock Price Today Will Give Investors Idea to Buy or Sell

IMGN Stock 1990

On Jun 01, 1990 IMGN Stock opening price is $8.5 per share and it close to $12.5 that same day. On March and April 1 , 1991 the share price rise to $19.25.

On February 1, 1992 the IMGN stock opening price is $20.50. And the price go ups and down, it went to this price and down to $1.5 per share on Dec 1, 1995.

On February 1, 2001, the IMGN stock goes higher, $21.1875 at opening price. Wow! Imagine if you have 10,000 shares bought back on Dec 1, 1995 a $1.5 per share and sold to $21.00 per share on February 1, 2001 – 6 years later. You will; have this profit!

IMGN Stock Investing Profit

  • 10,000 IMGN stock bought at $1.5 = $15,000 Capital
  • 10,000 IMGN stock sold at $21 = $210,000 Gross Profit
  • $195,000 Net Profit

Imagine having a net profit of $195,000 in a matter of waiting patiently for 6 years!

Now, to make things clear. Investing is risky especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Sometimes, we often buy stock because someone (financial advisor or expert) told us to do so. But in many cases, to become more profitable in the long run especially in stock market, we should know not only the stock but the company behind it. The value they can offer to the people, the company you believe it will operate in the long run.

This means, if you Buy and Hold IMGN stock, just like what we calculate, then you will “probably” become profitable, too.

The question is is it the right time to buy IMGN stock now? As of this writing May 14, 2020, the IMGN stock opening price is $4.1200 per share. Now, if you have $10,000, will you buy more IMGN stock at this price or wait when the price go down to $1.5 again?

IMGN Stock Chart Trading View

Technical and fundamental analysis will help you decide whether to buy or more IMGN shares. ImmunoGen humors may help you decide or just take a look at ImmunoGen earnings. Look at technical analysis, it’s a beautiful chart. If you caught the support last March 19, 2020, you might decide to buy at $2.3 per share and sell at $4.13 or even more.

If you bought 10,000 IMGN stocks at $2.3 per share, your capital is $23,000 and sell at $4.13 per share, will give you a gross of $41,300 or a total net profit of $18,300 or 79.5 % of your investment.

Note: Our computation is assuming you don’t have any charges when buying stocks. When computing, just less the trading charges for net profit.

If you believe in “value investing”, and you think ImmunoGen, Inc is valuable and offer or helping human kind, then, you will have a clue whether you will buy more stocks at this price and buy more when the price go down and down and down until IMGN stock reach its lowest peak.

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