How to Know Apple, INc. (AAPL) Stock Share Price Easily Online?


Learn how to know the Apple stock share price today. Maybe you already bought an Apple Stocks already, congratulations! You made it, you are now a stockholder of one of the best company in the world that continuously provide great services to millions of people by making high quality electronic products such as the iPhone, iPad, iPod, the MacBook Air etc.

You already realized that stock investing is one of the best way to accumulate wealth although it is risky but it return, it will give you a high rewards. Learn more on how to start investing in stocks today if you want to buy AAPL stocks shares. Knowing the Apple stock price is easy, there are many ways to know the price per share of your favorite stock.


If you will monitor the Apple stock price everyday, your stock investing activities will give you extra thrill and excitements. The stock price from the month of August will only give you stress because some of stocks will decrease its value due to this “ghost month”, however the stock price will begin to increase its value when the month of November and December begins especially after Black Friday.

Black Friday is the day when the retailers or companies began to make a lot of profits. People tend to buy items on this day until New Year because they know from Black Friday to New Year will give the consumers a big discounts. I have observed that every Black Friday not only the car or other items are the things that many people wants to buy, electronic gadgets such as smart phones, laptops, tablet and televisions are also the best buy products during this season (Black Friday to New Year)

I just want to inform you that the stock price fluctuates, it has up and downs or sideways. At least now you know why Apple Stock price sometimes low and some other day the stock price is high.

Things Needed

If you want to know the stock price of Apple Inc., you need a mobile phone, a laptop, a desktop or any gadgets that let you access the internet.

How to Know Apple Stock Share Price?

1. Go to financial websites such as Yahoo Finance, Google Finance, CNN Money, Bloomberg, etc.
2. Look for the Apple stock price today. If you can’t find it, just search in the financial website the Apple Inc. stock ticker or stock symbol is AAPL.

3. You can track the progress of your stock portfolio if you will download the Bloomberg app in your mobile phone and start adding Apple, Inc. in your portfolio. Once you downloaded the Bloomberg mobile app, add the Apple stock ticker and enter the shares you owned. So that everyday you will track or monitor the stock price of Apple, Inc. together its market value.

4. If you are in the public market and no internet access. All you have to do is to look the stock price in the business newspaper. You will see the high, open, closing price and the volume, plus news about dividend payments.

Image Credit: Robert via Flickr on CC 2.0 ~ Apple, Inc Apple iPhone 6

Tips & Warnings

When you visited the financial website, some website is updating their stock market data every 15 seconds. Some are every minute or two. It depends, that’s why if you will make a comparison to financial websites, maybe you will see the Apple, Inc stock price are different from each other. Make sure you visited the official website of Apple, Inc. so that you are updated to the news or latest products of the company.

As a stockholder, you should familiarize your rights to know what is happening to the company such as sales, its new executives, financial statements, dividend payment schedules and the stock price of course.

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