How to Invest Like the Rich Donald Trump

Donald Trump is one of the wealthiest man in planet. He get rich by doing extra-ordinary things. If you are already rich, you know how did he make it. The secret revealed why did Donald Trump became so rich. I read some of her books like Midas Touch. One thing I remember, and that is the “real estate investment”.

Donald Trump build towers. He acquired more wealth through real estate. If you’re not familiar how to get rich with real estate investing, read further.

Real estate is one of the best investment vehicles. Real estate is also profitable. If you are investing in stocks, you might pull some of your funds there and start buying real estate properties.

  1. Buy land (agricultural, commercial, etc.)
  2. Build condominiums, hotels and restaurants.
  3. Build car parks
  4. Build more house rentals
  5. Build commercial buildings

T. Harv Eker on the book “Secrets of the Millionaire’s Mind”, said; “Rich people collect land while poor people collect bills.”. This statement is the answer why did Donald Trump became super rich.

Therefore, if you want to invest like the rich Donald Trump, start buying real estate properties now. To start with, you can read the books of Robert T. Kiyosaki entitled “Cash Flow Quadrant”, and the famous “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”. You can also study how to invest in real stated by attending seminars, reading real estate books and real estate blogs.

How Rich is Donald Trump 2015

Donald Trump, according to Forbes, he has a net worth amounting to $4 Billion as of 2015, his source of wealth is television and real estate. A married man from New York with 5 children. He took bachelor of arts and bachelor of science in University of Pennsylvania Cite 1.  

He is an American real estate investor, popular TV personality, a politician, and an author. Donald John Trump is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment ResortsCite 2

References: Cite 1 Forbes Donald Trump Profile, Cite 2 WikiPedia

Good luck to your investing journey. I hope you will get rich too like Donald Trump. The American Awesome Billionaire. By the way, if you don’t mind, can I ask you some question? Will you vote Donald Trump on 2016 Election? If yes, please tell us why and if not, tell us your reasons why you don’t want to vote Donald Trump. Thank you!

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