Alphabet Inc Class C (GOOG) Historical Stock Price 2014


Looking for Google stock price history and performance? Here is the historical stock price of Google, Inc (GOOG) as of 2014. Find out how high the price was increased or how low the Google stock was decreased. Are you a stockholder of Google, Inc. (GOOG)? Google is one of the major and most use search engine in the world. Google products and services is “information”.

As of 2014, Google, Inc. (GOOG) has 51,000+ employees. Google products are web search, bookmarks and Google chrome in the web category. And for mobile there is the maps for mobile and search for mobile. In media, Google, Inc has its books, news, image and video search. You can view maps and directions using Google Maps and use the Google Earth to explore the world using your computer.


For specialized search, there is the scholar, custom trends and blog search. Google Inc, is also providing products for home and office usage such as gmail, docs, slides, drawings, calendars, Google drive, sheets, create sites and translates.

Google Inc, has also a social networking sites such as the Google + , groups, blogger and hangouts. I know you are familiar with Google. Maybe you are just using its search engine, but, you are not familiar or using other Google products and services. Maximize and take advantage of other products such as blogger by creating your own blog, advertise your business with Adwords and use email services by Gmail.

Google, Inc. (GOOG) Company Information

Google Inc., a technology company, builds products and provides services to organize the information. The company offers Google Search, which provides information online; Knowledge Graph that allows to search for things, people, or places, as well as builds systems that recognize speech and understand natural language; Google Now, which provides information to users when they need it; and Product Listing Ads that offer product image, price, and merchant information. Google ranked #3 for the most valuable technology brands in the world.

Google, Inc. Executives as of 2014

Executives Position
Mr. Eric E. Schmidt Ph.D. Exec. Chairman, Chairman of Exec. Committee and Chairman of Acquisition Committee
Dr. Lawrence Page Co-Founder, Chief Exec. officer, Director, Member of Acquisition Committee and Member of Exec. Committee
Mr. Sergey Brin Co-Founder, Director, Member of Acquisition Committee and Member of Exec. Committee
Mr. Patrick Pichette Chief Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer and Sr. VP
Mr. David C. Drummond J.D. Chief Legal Officer, Sr. VP of Corp. Devel. and Sec.

Google Stock Price: Google Inc. (GOOG) Historical Stock Price 2014

The open price as of March 27, 2014 is $568 and on December 1, 2014 is $538.90. or a decrease of 29.1USD. A 0.5% decrease for Google, Inc stock price from March 2014 to December 2014.
Mar 27, 2014 568.00 568.00 552.92 556.97
Apr 1, 2014 558.71 604.83 502.80 526.66
May 1, 2014 527.11 567.84 503.30 559.89
Jun 2, 2014 560.70 582.45 538.75 575.28
Jul 1, 2014 578.32 599.65 565.01 571.60
Aug 1, 2014 570.40 587.34 560.00 571.60
Sep 2, 2014 571.85 596.48 568.21 577.36
Oct 1, 2014 576.01 581.00 508.10 559.08
Nov 3, 2014 555.50 557.90 530.08 541.83
Dec 1, 2014 538.90 541.41 529.80 533.75

Source: Google Finance, Yahoo Finance

Alphabet Inc Class C (Goog) Stock Price as of Nov 10, 2016

Google Stock Price: Google Inc. (GOOG) as of Nov 10,, 2016
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See Also: How to Find Stock Prices and Stock Quotes Online
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