You Can Only Retire Early if You Invest Now & Get Rich Immediately


Get rich and retire early, do you think it’s effective? Want to retire early? Make yourself rich first! But the question is how can you become rich? The faster you become rich, the earlier you can retire. Here’s the reason why!

Many people are too lazy to plan for their retirement. They just want to retire comfortable, but, they are not willing to do what it takes to obtain enough money for retirement. A person who is not planning for retirement have no plan to retire young, happy, rich and comfortable.


Increase your retirement IQ if you want to be prepared on your retirement. As the old saying goes, “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. If you fail to plan your retirement, you won’t succeed. However, many people didn’t think about “retirement” but they retire comfortable. Want to know how did they do that?

Get Rich and Retire Early

If you know how much money do you really want to live for many years without working, you better start saving money until you reach that amount.

Getting rich is not a matter of chance or luck. It is a matter of choice. So, choose to be rich. Business owners, investors can easily get rich because they have income generating assets.

Image Credit: Kamyar Adl on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

Is It Necessary to Plan for Retirement, then?

Maybe you asked, I will get rich. My plan is to become rich. Is it really necessary to plan for retirement or I will just focus myself and energy in getting rich? That’s a good question!

  • If you will get rich, you should need to plan for retirement even though you already have what you want.
  • Second, you don’t even know how and where to spend your money.
  • Are you sure you have enough money to retire comfortable and live the rest of your life without relying to someone else financially?


I think it is recommended to focus on getting rich and the same time not forgetting to plan for retirement. There are many ways to get rich and one of these proven ways is investing and setting up a business.

If you get rich fast, you will retire early. As long as you have enough money to retire comfortable, it is ideal to retire early. Try to ask rich people what do they want to retire. They might say, they will spend their money for leisure.

When you have income generating assets like stocks, business or real estate rental properties, it is easy to build a retirement income. All you need to do is to make money to work for you even without effort. Try to get rich first and do not forget to build a retirement investment portfolio so that you will never worry and think about money anymore.

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