Facebook Stock Price History 2014


Looking for Facebook stock price history for year 2014? Are you a stockholder of Facebook, Inc. (FB). Here is the historical stock price of Facebook.

Facebook, Inc. is one of the fastest growing. A social networking site founded by Mr. Mark Zuckerberg (Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Exec. Officer). A US company stock under technology providing internet information. Facebook has 8,348 employees as of 2014. There are about 1.35 Billion Facebook active users as of 2014 3Q. On January 2014, there is a report that Facebook, Inc jump in sales for about 61% and increase its users for about 16%. How do Facebook makes money? FB makes money from sales (usually from advertising sales). Companies tend to advertise online using Facebook. FB attracts advertisers because of its huge numbers of users, just like we have mentioned; there are 1.35 billion users as of 2014 3Q.


Facebook, Inc. Company Profile:

Facebook, Inc. operates as a social networking company worldwide. It provides a set of development tools and application programming interfaces that enable developers to integrate with Facebook to create mobile and Web applications. FB ranked 9 for the most valuable technology brands in the world.

The Executive Officers of Facebook, Inc. (FB)

Executive Officer Position
Mr. Mark Zuckerberg Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Exec. Officer
Ms. Sheryl K. Sandberg Chief Operating Officer and Director
Mr. Michael Schroepfer Chief Technology Officer and VP of Engineering
Mr. David B. Fischer VP of Bus. and Marketing Partnerships
Mr. David M. Wehner Chief Financial Officer

Facebook Stock Price History 2014

On January 2, 2014 the FB stock price is only 54.83 (open price) while on December 1, 2014 is 77.26, the FB stock price increased 22.43 or about 40.90%. Find out how to choose the best stocks to buy now.

Jan 2, 2014 54.83 63.37 51.85 62.57
Feb 3, 2014 63.03 71.44 60.70 68.46
Mar 3, 2014 66.96 72.59 57.98 60.24
Apr 1, 2014 60.46 63.91 54.66 59.78
May 1, 2014 60.43 64.30 56.26 63.30
Jun 2, 2014 63.23 68.00 61.79 67.29
Jul 1, 2014 67.58 76.74 62.21 72.65
Aug 1, 2014 72.22 75.99 71.55 74.82
Sep 2, 2014 75.01 79.71 73.07 79.04
Oct 1, 2014 78.78 81.16 70.32 74.99
Nov 3, 2014 75.47 78.27 72.51 77.70
Dec 1, 2014 77.26 77.31 74.80 75.46

Source: Facebook, Inc. | Yahoo Finance

Facebook, Inc. Common Stock (FB) as of Nov 10, 2016

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