Download The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets from Forbes


Download the book entitled “The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets” from after you subscribe to Forbes newsletter exclusively. If you are looking for some effective and serious ways on how to get rich and want to know how do billionaires are getting rich, have a copy of this book and read it every lines.

The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets is available to download From investing newsletter premium content (after you subscribed). In this book you will learn how billionaires continue to get richer while the rest of the world is struggling financially. You will also find out why you’re not a billionaire and what billionaires do differently when they invest.


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About: The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets

In the book, you will learn easily the secrets if billionaire investing. Here are the 9 steps to follow the secrest of billionaire investing written in this book.

1) Billionaire investors bet on sure things.
2) They invest in things they know very well.
3) They want to be in situations where they can control their own destiny.

4) The billionaire’s secret of Wall Street is this: Only buy stocks that the world’s best billionaire investors own.

5) But wait that’s not good enough. When possible buy these same stocks at a discount to what these billionaire investors paid, and get an extra kicker.

6) Hold these stocks, enjoy life and wait till they return 300 to 500% … And then sell them (or do what I do, sell when the billionaire investors sell).

7) Sit back and enjoy the power of compound interest.
8) If you do this, your $20,000 could be worth $26 million in 12 years.
9) Rinse and repeat.

About Will Meade: The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets Author

Will Meade runs Pure Alpha Research, a hedge fund consulting firm out of Chicago. He provides research to some of the top hedge funds and sophisticated investors in the world. He has a Master’s in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins, where he was also a PhD candidate. And he is a hedge fund veteran.

Early in Will’s career, he worked as the right-hand man for a hedge fund run by a former Goldman Sachs partner. It was there, that he realized that power and influence was the recipe for making big money in the stock market – period! And he learned that the cards were stacked squarely against everyone else.

Now, he has a new personal challenge. He wants to prove that individual investors can achieve the same type of wealth, from using the identical strategies that have generated multi-billion dollar wealth for elite investors.

Excerpt: The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets

Quotes from The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets

1. Surround Yourself with Proven Winners

“WARNING: A lot of people want to offer you advice on how to manage your money. The BEST investors ONLY surround themselves with proven winners who have personally demonstrated success!”

2. Only few Ideas Needed

“You only need a few ideas to be fabulously wealthy”

3. Follow the Billionaires

“Follow The Billionaires. It’s like car-pooling with a billionaire. They drive and we get a free ride.”

“Put simply, following the worlds greatest billionaire investors can put you on the same path to becoming rich.”


The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets is a short guide book abut investing wherein it teaches the readers how to invest the billionaires way. It has few number of examples about stock market investing strategy and what should be the mindset of an investors when they invest.

The PDF file is available here. If you want to download The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets, visit Forbes newsletter here.

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