Dow Jones 30 Stocks Performance:Top Gainers and Losers 2014


Looking for Dow Jones 30 stocks performance? The year 2014 is about to end. Stock investors are looking for the best stocks to buy on 2015. Find out how these DJIA stocks are performing well. Awhile ago, when I visited the, in their newsletter they issued the top 15 stocks to buy on 2015 , now let us find out how the 30 companies under Dow Jones are gaining or losing.

Choosing the right and best stocks is hard. You can only know that a stock is performing well through yearly performance. Are your stocks gaining or losing?


Dow Jones Trivia: It was founded by Charles Dow, Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser in 1882 at Wall Street in New York City, USA.  The top 3 Competitors of Dow Jones and Company, Inc. are Bloomberg L.P., Financial Times Group LTD and Thomson Reuters Corporation.

Dow Jones 30 Stocks Performance: The Top Gainers and Losers (Dow Jones Stocks) on 2014

Company: 3M Co 20.06% 138.13 165.84
American Express Co 5.39% 89.45 94.27
AT&T; Inc -2.49% 34.95 34.08
Boeing Co -3.54% 136.67 131.83
Caterpillar Inc 3.03% 89.87 92.59
Chevron Corp -8.89% 124.14 113.11
E I du Pont de Nemours and Co 17.07% 63.71 74.59
General Electric Co -7.02% 27.50 25.57
Exxon Mobil Corp -6.74% 99.75 93.02
3 Cisco Systems Inc 28.91% 22.00 28.36
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 10.64% 176.89 195.71
4 Home Depot Inc 27.13% 82.02 104.27
International Business Machines Corp -13.73% 185.53 160.05
Johnson & Johnson 15.74% 91.03 105.36
1 Intel Corp 42.54% 25.79 36.76
JPMorgan Chase and Co -8.49% 58.21 63.15
McDonald’s Corp -2.25% 96.41 94.25
Merck & Co Inc 16.49% 49.49 57.65
5 Microsoft Corp 26.53% 37.16 47.02
Nike Inc 23.82% 78.24 96.88
Pfizer Inc 3.02% 30.46 31.38
Procter & Gamble Co 14.73% 80.54 92.40
The Coca-Cola Co 5.16% 40.66 42.76
Travelers Companies Inc 19.70% 89.33 106.93
2 UnitedHealth Group Inc 37.92% 74.57 102.85
Verizon Communications Inc -3.41% 49.00 47.33
Visa Inc 19.70% 221.01 264.55
United Technologies Corp 3.30% 112.49 116.20
Wal-Mart Stores Inc 9.99% 78.91 86.79
Walt Disney Co 24.16% 76.27 94.70
Note: (-) Sign Denotes Losses. Stock prices are in USD currency.

Dow Jones 30 Stocks Performance 2014

Intel Corp has 42% gain, UnitedHealth Group, Inc has 37.92% gain, Cisco Systems Inc has 28.91% gain, Home Depot, Inc is 27.13% and Microsft Corp is 26.53%. Update: 2014 Ends, see the Dow Jones 30 Stocks Performance for January 2015

UnitedHealth Group Inc
UnitedHealth Group Inc
UnitedHealth Group Inc

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