Don’t Invest, Hope and Pray: 2018 New Year’s Resolution

Should you invest, hope and pray? Let us answer this today! Awhile ago, I wrote the first part of my new year’s resolution for 2015 wherein I stated all the things why I am so grateful for year 2014, and the 3 things that I needed to learn such as (1)time management, (2)English grammar and (3)financial literacy.

I do hope you enjoy visiting InvestmentTotal. if you will ask me, I enjoy writing and sharing some points of views about life and its beauty. One amazing thing you can do with your life is to enjoy it and maximize its usage and benefits. To make that happen, investing and getting rich is the answer.

I want to thank you for being a regular visitor of this blog and sharing its content to your friends in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networking sites. Without you my readers, this blog is absolutely nothing!

Here’s the continuation;

Don’t Invest, Hope and Pray: 2015 New Year’s Resolution

4. Increasing Financial and Accounting Terms Vocabulary: I am a finance blogger, actually the more I know, the more I can share. Most of the time, I will write what I don’t know. The beauty of teaching what you don’t know is to gave you a pressure to search and learn about the topic and you’ll become more resourceful. It means, additional knowledge on your part. Example, what is meant by stock split? I don’t know about it but I wrote an article for that. Now, I know what is meant by a stock splitting.

5. Issue: This is not a WordPress Site. It is hard to generate traffics from search engine using free host. Let me use wordpress and install a Genesis Framework for another blog. The blog title should also be related to finances. Another lesson for this year 2015 is blogging using wordpress. As early as January 2015 the new blog aside from will be available online. My goal to is to generate 100,000 visits per month and to my new wordpress blog is 500,000 visits purely from search engines per month. I am confident to that numbers because I love to write articles, the more articles, the more knowledge I can share, the more interested readers I could reach. I know my hard-work pays off.

6. Increase My Net Worth: By investing, I will increase the amount of my monthly investment this year 2015. To invest in lump sum worth 6 digits, primarily in stocks. That’s why I should attend stock fundamental analysis. My cost-averaging are on mutual funds and BDO UITF. Some mutual funds are also 6 digit lump sum. I am so sure I will become successful in my investing journey. That’s why, I should keep on learning.

Should You Invest, Hope and Pray?

As you have noticed, I don’t invest, hope and pray. I invest, being grateful and keep on learning. But it doesn’t mean you don’t have to pray. I always pray to thank God and ask for guidance. Investing requires skills, expertise and guts. A gut to take risks! Try to pray, dream and hope without taking actions, and you will only get frustrations.

Invest, hope and pray and don’t do your own due diligence, what will you get? You will only get mistakes and failures. Try to invest, hope and pray and the market crashed, what will you do? Will you blame God? Learning is necessary! Try to put your money in an investment vehicle, and not watching the market trends and you only found out after few years your money is gone.

Try this, invest, learn, keep on learning, grow yourself, hope and pray. Okay, I don’t want to emphasize the “learning and growing”, because you know already about it. Let us discuss some things about hoping and praying. Hoping means expecting, it means when you invest, you should expect a gain and expect a losses. Try to do what rich investors do, they invest, they play the money game to win not to lose. Therefore, learning is imperative so that you don’t lose your money.

Next, pray. Praying means you are with God’s side, and you are proving your faith to Him. Try to ask God to help you become a successful and rich investor and sleep all day long without taking necessary actions. Do you think God will help you? God always help those people who want to help themselves. Help yourself and pray!

My husband is a church organist, a prayerful, a disciplinarian. He learn so many things in investing, he take risks with is hard earned money. It simply means spiritual and riches are in different world, but, take advantage of your faith to have riches. Have faith to God and take actions!

Claim Prosperity on 2015, Your Deserve It!

I will forget the things or strategies that don’t work for me to achieve my goal. And keep on doing what is working. As a summary, my new year’s resolutions are , time management, study English grammar, increasing my knowledge in investing, increasing financial vocabulary terms, have a wordpress blog with Genesis Framework installed, and increase my net worth. What about you? What’s your new year’s resolution this year 2015? I have a lot of assignments this year 2015, I know I can do this through the help and guidance of Our Lord and the help of other people especially financial experts. I thank God there are many registered/certified financial planners who keep on spreading financial literacy in our country. I got a lot fo benefits from their teachings be it online forums, books or blogs.

Don’t Invest, then, Hope and Pray. It’s not Effective

Don’t wish for a prosperous new year! Wishing don’t work, claiming is.  Now, this 2015, claim happiness, success and prosperity!  When you claim these things means you are taking actions until you have all these (happiness, success, prosperity, good health) right in front of your eyes!

Don’t invest and then, hope and pray! Invest in education as you can! You still have few days left to make your own new year’s resolution list. Take action now to achieve everything you want in life. God bless and good luck!

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