How to Buy Canada Savings Bonds in Simple Steps?


How to buy Canada savings bonds in simple steps? Know the features of this investment offers today.

Hi InvestmentTotal admin! I live in Quebec, Canada. I want to invest in bonds because I am already 45 years old. May I know the procedures on how to start investing in Canada savings bonds? I will wait for your response.

This question was received via email message from the reader of Due to privacy protection, I should disclose the personal information of the sender. Anyway, I responded to him by giving the link of this post entitled “steps in buying Canada Savings Bonds“.


Few months ago I discussed the different types of investments, and one of these investments is “bonds”. That post received more than 1,600 hits in just one day. This simply means, there are many people who are still interested in investing.

Meaning of Bonds

Bonds are also considered as the IOUs issued by governments and corporations to finance their operations. When you buy a bond, you lend money to the issuer with the understanding that you will be repaid on or by a set maturity date. In the meantime, the borrower agrees to pay you interest at a specified rate. Because of that promise, bonds are often called fixed-income securities. Investors who buy bonds and hold them until maturity can count on getting their principal back with interest, assuming the borrower does not default.”

Reference: C. Frederick Wiegold, The Wall Street Journal Lifetime Guide to Money, Hyperion, New York 1997 – Watchwords of Wealth, Page 489

Important Note: One of the safest or low risk types of investments is bonds. You have to analyze your financial goal before investing in it. Of course, do not expect to gain more profits to this types of investments. But the advantage is, even though bonds can only give you low rate of return, in the long run, it can also help you grow your money.

Asset Allocation Tips: For investors age 30 to 45, try to put 5% in bonds. For investors age 45 to 65, 10% of your investments should be in bonds and for investors age 66 and above, you have to invest 45% of your assets in low risk types of investments such as bonds and CDs.

According to the official website of Government of Canada, Canada Savings Bonds (CSBs) are available exclusively through the Payroll Savings Program. The annual sales campaign runs from early October to 1 November. The 2014 sales campaign for the Canada Savings Bonds Payroll Savings Program and Canada Premium Bonds has ended and will begin again in October 2015.”

Source/Credit : Canada Savings Bond Official Website

How to Buy Canada Savings Bonds

This step by step procedure will be very helpful if you are an employee and wish to invest in Canada Savings Bonds via payroll system, kindly download the guide CSB for employees.

Update: If you are already created a CSB account and start investing, have time to read more about Canada Savings Bonds Redemption

If you want any further information, try to call or mail the customer service hotlines.

  • Contact Information
  • Web:
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: CSB Payroll Savings Program, 50 O’Connor Street, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L2
  • Telephone Number: 1 877 899-3599 (Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET

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