Berkshire Hathaway Stock: (BRK-A) Historical Stock Price 2014


Looking for Berkshire Hathaway stock performance? Here’s the historical stock price of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc (BRK-A). Let’s find out if this stock is gaining or losing. Every stock investors are looking for historical stock prices of their chosen stocks, and one of their stocks is Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (BRK-A). T

BRK-A Trivia: Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (BRK-A) is the most expensive stock in the world. As of December 4, 2014. BRK-A stock price is $225,214.70. Imagine you owned 5 Berkshire Hathaway stocks? Your stocks would now worth $1,126,073.50. Congratulations, you’re now a million dollar man.Next to BRK-A is the Seabord Corp. (SEB). More on expensive US stocks some other time.


Berkshire Hathaway Top Executives

Mr. Warren Buffett is still the Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and Director of Berkshire Hathaway, here are the other top executives;
Mr. Warren E. Buffett Chief Exec. Officer, Chairman, and Director
Mr. Marc D. Hamburg Chief Financial Officer and Sr. VP
Mr. Daniel J. Jaksich Principal Accounting Officer, VP and Controller
Mr. Ajit Jain Chief Exec. Officer of Reinsurance Division
Mr. Olza M. Nicely Chief Exec. Officer of Geico

Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. (BRK-A) Historical Stock Price

Berkshire Hathaway A stock price on January 2, 2014 is $177, 500.00, after a year its price increased to $223,100.00, or an increase of $45,600 or 25.69%
Jan 2, 2014 177,500.00 177,792.00 167,632.00 169,511.00
Feb 3, 2014 169,599.00 173,833.00 163,038.00 173,708.00
Mar 3, 2014 174,100.00 188,852.00 172,759.00 187,350.00
Apr 1, 2014 187,500.00 193,789.00 181,785.00 193,275.00
May 1, 2014 193,295.00 194,670.00 186,250.00 192,000.00
Jun 2, 2014 192,300.00 192,908.00 188,220.00 189,900.00
Jul 1, 2014 190,100.00 193,860.00 188,124.00 188,124.00
Aug 1, 2014 187,152.00 205,880.00 185,005.00 205,880.00
Sep 2, 2014 206,999.00 213,612.00 205,192.00 206,900.00
Oct 1, 2014 207,310.00 212,300.00 198,000.00 210,000.00
Nov 3, 2014 210,835.00 224,070.00 209,000.00 223,065.00
Dec 1, 2014 223,100.00 225,900.00 222,361.00 225,215.00

Source: Yahoo Finance

Berkshire Hathaway Stock: (BRK-A) Update Nov 2016

Berkshire Hathaway Stock: (BRK-A) Update Nov 2016

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