Australian Stock Exchange Company Information


Looking for Australian Stock Exchange company information before you will start investing in ASX? Are you an Australian or foreign investors searching for the good stocks listed in ASX?

At Australian Stock Exchange or the Australian Securities Exchange, there are two thousand one hundred or more listed companies stocks. I came to write this topic because some reader of is asking me about Australian Stock Exchange its address location, phone numbers and official website. And some are sending queries about the blue chip stocks in Australia (to be posted soon).


Here we provide the company name and the stock ticker and the industry where this Australian Stock Exchange companies stocks are operating their businesses. To know the market capitalization, just simply go to the official website of Australian Securities Exchange or in the official website of each company and search for their market cap.

To find the listed companies stocks in Australia Securities Exchange, please visit the ASX official listed companies. (Sorry, there are many companies, no need to write in this page), Just refer to the official website. Update: See also, Australian Blue Chip Stocks

Australian Stock Exchange Company Information

When does the stock market open/close?
Answer:10:00 am open, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm as the normal trading hours.

Location of ASX
There are ASX offices in Australia located in Sydney and Melbourne. To know more about the exact location, please refer to this table;

ASX Offices Address
Sydney Exchange Centre
20 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Australian Liquidity Centre (ALC) 5 Broadcast Way, Gore Hill NSW 2065
Melbourne Level 4 North Tower, Rialto
525 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Perth Level 40, Central Park
152-158 St George’s Terrace Perth WA 6000

For further information or queries, call ASX in their phone number at +61 (02)  9227 0000   (within Australia and from overseas). And for customer service dedicated to answer queries of the shareholders and participants, just call 131 ASX (131 279)

Disclaimer: The content of Total Investment blog is for informational purpose only. If you found wrong data related to the Australian Stock Exchange Company Information (as the source of this information), please contact admin. Business names or registered trademarks mentioned in his blog are owned by their respective companies.

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