5 Ways to Beat the Fear of Losing Money


Do you have the fear of losing money? What makes you invest? What is the reason why you always feel afraid in investing? The fear of losing money can beat easily. You can fight the fear and just feel good everytime you invest money.

Here are the secrets tips on how to beat the fear of losing your money. In an investment world, it is your investment capital.


1. Think Postively

Investors and newbie entrepreneurs can’t stop worrying about their investment or business capital. If you want to beat the fear of losing your capital, first think positively. By means of claiming “success” and just always think “win”. Yes, you can win in any investment and business endeavors.

Always remember, you can always become what you think. You can always have what you always think. If you think successful business endeavors, you can have it. If you think more profits, you can have more profits.

2. Invest Confidently

Another way to beat the fear in losing money is to invest confidently. You can only invest with confidence if you are familiar with the different types of investments such as;

  • stock market
  • mutual funds
  • unit investment trust funds
  • real estate investing
  • investing in bonds
  • setting up a business

3. Play the Money Game to Win

Rich people play the money game to win said T Harv Eker in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, he added “poor people play the money game to not lose”.

What does this mean? Playing the money game to win simply means investing money game to gain more profits. If you will only educate yourself first, you can decrease the fear of losing money. Thus, when you’re educated investor, you can play the money game to win.

4. Apply the Law of Attraction to Money

I remember the book of “The Secret” in the chapter, The Secret to Money. I think we can also apply the law of attraction to beat the fear of losing money.

The law of attraction is simple. If you want profits, just ask profits, believe you can gain profits. If you think “losing money”, eventually you will lose money. The same as “positive thinking”. But in here, you will only attract what you surely want.

5. Invest Money and Make it Work

Invest money and make it work. How? First, analyze the risks, manage the risk after you invests. Then suddenly you will feel that your investment worked.

You will surely need asset allocation if you want to succeed in investing money. I hope you learned today how to beat the fear of losing money. If you have any questions with regards to business and investing, ask the admin of Daily Investing Tips. Leave a comment below if you want to add some tips on how to beat the fear of losing money.

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