Winning a Structured Settlement: A Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Settlement


A structured settlement is a form of financial agreement that provides for payments to be made to an individual over time. The payments are typically made in pre-determined amounts and at pre-determined intervals, such as monthly or annually. Structured settlements are often used in personal injury cases, such as medical malpractice, wrongful death, and auto accidents, as an alternative to a lump sum payment. Benefits of a structured settlement include the ability to control how the money is spent and how long it takes to receive it, as well as the tax benefits associated with receiving payments over a period of time. Structured settlements can also provide security to the recipient, as the payments are guaranteed and cannot be altered or taken away.

Benefits of Structured Settlement

Structured settlements offer numerous benefits to those who have suffered a personal injury, or have been awarded a lump sum of money through a court settlement. Structured settlements are beneficial because payments are made over a period of time, rather than all at once. This allows individuals to receive a steady, reliable income stream over a long period of time, while also having the flexibility to access funds as needed.


Structured settlements offer tax benefits as payments are not all taxed in one lump sum. This helps individuals to maximize their earnings and keep more of their money. Structured settlements also provide security and peace of mind. Knowing that a steady stream of income will be available for years to come can be a great comfort to those who have dealt with personal injury or other financial loss.

Image Credit: Pexels CC 2.0 – STRUCTURED SETTLEMENT

Is a structured settlement a good idea?

A structured settlement is a great idea for those who have experienced a personal injury or other financial hardship. By structuring the settlement, the payee can receive a steady stream of payments rather than one lump sum.

This allows the payee to budget and plan for the future and avoid financial pitfalls that could come with receiving a lump sum all at once. Additionally, structured settlements are typically tax-free, so the payee does not have to pay taxes on the payments, enabling them to keep more of their money.

Structured settlements also provide the payee with financial stability and peace of mind. The ability to receive payments over a period of time allows the payee to plan for the future and have consistent cashflow.

This can be especially beneficial to those who may not have the financial literacy to manage a large lump sum wisely. It also eliminates the risk of making an unwise financial decision with the lump sum. For these reasons, a structured settlement can be a great idea for those who have experienced a financial hardship.

Are Structured Settlements Considered a Form of Income?

Structured settlements are considered a form of income, but with a few differences. Structured settlements are paid out in periodic payments over a period of time, rather than one lump sum. This can be extremely beneficial for those who need long-term financial stability and would prefer to receive their income in installments. This allows individuals to budget and plan for their future more effectively. Structured settlements are also tax-free, meaning individuals get to keep more of their income than they would if they received a lump sum. This can make structured settlements a very attractive option for those looking to supplement their income.

Sharing is Caring

It is important to share information about structured settlements, as they can be an effective way to manage financial compensation from a personal injury lawsuit. They can provide a steady stream of income to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs associated with the injury. Educating people about structured settlements can help them make informed decisions and find the best options for their particular situation. By sharing more knowledge about structured settlements, we can help people navigate this complex legal process and receive the compensation they are owed.

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