Ways to Pay Insurance Premium Using Credit Card


A reader asked; how can I pay insurance premium using credit card? Please let me know the details and step by step instructions on how to pay for my insurance policy. I just bought my policy last year. I will renew the policy since I am very satisfied to the services.

Miguel H. is residing in San Francisco, California USA. I am very glad because other people find very useful. As a proof, they want me to answer their queries on insurance buying.


I received the email message last night, but I am busy that’s I didn’t answer the question immediately. And here I am again, posting discussions about insurance. BTW, you can go to my contact page or leave any comment to any of the post and ask anything related to insurance.

How to Pay Insurance Premium Using Credit Card?

Here are the step by step procedures if you want to use credit card when buying or when you want to renew your insurance policy.

  1. Review your insurance policy.
  2. Double check the date of expiration.
  3. Check the amount to be paid insurance premium.
  4. Go to any bank or online banking and pay for the insurance premium.
  5. Wait for the confirmation of payment from the insurance company.

It is vital to review your insurance policy every year. Not just to know the expiration date and the amount to be paid for this year. But, for you to decide whether you will increase the coverage or the face amount.

In using credit card, make sure you know the insurance company code when paying for your premiums online. You can also visit the insurance company and read the guide on making payments (cash, credit card or check).

If you have any questions about paying your insurance premium using a credit card, please leave it in the comment box or immediately call your insurance agent. Please share this post with your friends and love ones. Thank you!

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