Preventing Money Loss After a Workplace Injury: A Guide for Employees


Any serious type of injury will have financial consequences, and a workplace injury is no different. In fact, a workplace injury may have even more financial consequences – not only will it affect your personal financial situation, but it may also affect your work situation, which will likely affect your finances as well. Not to mention the fact that workplace injuries may have added expenses that other types of injuries don’t, such as legal fees. So, if you’ve been injured at work, what do you do to prevent severe money loss? If that’s the question you’re asking yourself, you’ve come to the right place.

Image Credit: Kamyar Adl via Flickr CC 2.0

Legal steps

If your employer is responsible for your injury due to negligence on their behalf, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit, which could lead to financial compensation. Another option is to consider worker’s compensation, which would also mean that the business provides you with financial compensation. Even if this doesn’t cover all of your medical expenses, every little bit helps. A law firm such as Cabral Law Offices will be able to assist you with legal advice so that you do things the right way.


Medical insurance

If you have medical insurance, medical aid, or anything else that covers injuries, you should file a claim as soon as possible. Workplace injuries can often lead to very severe problems that require medical attention, and most people don’t have the money to cover those expenses themselves. It’s important that you take the right steps, such as including reports or evidence if your insurance provider requires it. Also keep in mind that some insurance companies have a waiting period before paying out claims, so if you are in this waiting period, you may need to consider alternative methods of paying your medical fees.

Keep working

Of course, you should take sick leave until you are recovered, and if you’ve used up your sick leave but still need time off, you should use other paid leave, such as annual leave. The problem comes in when you need to start using unpaid leave, because you won’t be earning an income. Try to talk to your employer and see if there is a way that you can keep working, even if you still need time to recover. For example, you can work part-time, so that you’re at least earning some money. Another option is to work from home so that you can continue to work, only with more comfort and flexibility.

Make sacrifices

You may need to make certain sacrifices in order to prevent severe loss after a workplace injury. This means that you may need to pay out your savings. This is a measure that many people avoid for as long as possible, but if you have no other choice, it’s better to pay out your savings than to go into debt. You can always use ways of increasing your savings later so that it gets back to where it was sooner. Remember that a big reason for people saving money is to cover any unexpected fees, so there’s no shame in using it.

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