Obamacare: Health Insurance for Every American


Interesting topic: health insurance for every American and the Obamacare. A reader asked, does every American have to have health insurance? His question is very interesting since most visitors of this blog are came from North America particularly in United States. The health insurance cost in USA is quiet expensive, however, if you are guided by a expert financial advisor, you can save a lot of money when buying a health insurance. For further knowledge, read our conversation.

Look how Mr Koviers are worrying about health care after he was migrated. According to his letter, he has 2 kids and  they are both college students. He is a self employed


Hi Admin, I came from Delaware, USA. I just migrated here few months ago. When I was in Mexico, I have my health insurance. I decided to buy health insurance because the nature of my work. I am a self employed running a small business. I know you are busy as of this moment. I just want to know if there are free health insurance for every Americans given by the government or should I purchase it.

Thanks you! JT Koviers, Delaware, USA

Plumber and Masonry

Date Received: July 21, 2015. 9:56 PM

Take some research about the Obamacare in your local state. I don’t know about Obamacare but probably it can help you to not spend a lot of money for your health insurance. But it is still advisable to have separate health insurance from a reliable company.

You can find out the best American health insurance plans by just searching it online. After you have searched for the plans, find out the which company is offering that plans you preferred. Better compare each companies. Investigate and know their feed backs, read some reviews and decide immediately.

Obamacare: Health Insurance for Every American

According to, the percentage of American with health insurance is almost 90%. This simple means 9 out 10 Americans have already health insurance. This is what is written to the CNN report…

Image Credit: Keoni Cabral on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

Nearly nine out of 10 Americans now have health insurance, a sharp improvement from two years ago before Obamacare was put in place.

Source: CNN Talks Obamacare Uninsured Gallup

Data Retrieved: CNNMoney (New York) April 13, 2015: 8:27 AM ET

What can you say about Obamacare? Is it effective, do you like the program? Do you agree that health insurance for every American should offer for free? If yes, please share your opinions below. Thank you!

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Eight glass of water a day, can make your symptoms go away.

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