How to File an Appeal if Your Travel Insurance Claim is Denied


Travelers purchase traveler’s insurance policies to provide adequate coverage when they travel. The policies help the consumers if they lose personal effects, need medical attention, or must cancel their travel plans. When submitting an insurance claim, policy holders could face a denial of coverage. If this happens, they can seek the advice of a lawyer and define their current legal rights.

Define Why the Claim Was Denied

According to the terms of most travel insurance policies, the policyholder has coverage for trip cancellation or interruption, medical expenses, personal effects and baggage, and for flight-related accidents or accidental death. Any circumstances that relate to these coverage items are just causes for filing a claim.


Any instances that weren’t related to the policyholder’s direct failures are covered under these categories. After a claim is denied, the policyholder may need advice from an attorney. Policyholders can get information about their claim denial and their rights by visiting right now.

Photo: Leah Kelley via Pexels – How to File an Appeal if Your Travel Insurance Claim is Denied

A Review of All Terms and Conditions

The reason for the denial must comply with the terms and conditions of the travel insurance policy. Exclusions are commonly used to deny claims. If the policyholder has an existing medical condition that wasn’t disclosed to the insurer, they cannot get coverage for the condition during their travels. The insurer can void the entire policy if the policyholder doesn’t keep their medical conditions updated in their policy.

If the traveler engages in reckless behaviors or activities during their travels, the traveler’s insurance doesn’t have to pay for medical costs. If the policyholder consumes an excessive amount of alcohol or uses recreational (especially illegal drugs) drugs, the policy won’t provide medical coverage. If the traveler leaves their baggage unattended in a lobby or the airport, they cannot claim the loss because it was their fault the baggage wasn’t monitored.

Gather Evidence For Your Claim

If the policyholder has not violated the terms and exclusions do not apply, they need to gather evidence for their claim. They need medical records for injuries, a police report for any personal effects losses, or their family would need proof that the lost family member was on the flight when a plane crashed.

Defining Why You Should’ve Had Coverage

The insurer must have a legal reason to deny the claim, and if the insurer violates the terms of the policy, the policyholder may have a right to a legal claim against their insurer. However, when starting the process, the first step is a reconsideration of the claim.

What Is the Projected Outcome?

If the policyholder seeks a reconsideration, they could get the amount of coverage promised in the policy for the covered event or circumstance. If the policyholder starts a legal claim, the projected outcome if they win is all economic losses plus attorney or court fees. If the claim is connected to accidental death, the claim could roll into a wrongful death lawsuit which is a completely different legal action.

Travelers purchase travelers’ insurance to provide coverage when they go on vacations far from home. The policies offer coverage for medical expenses not related to a pre-existing condition and losses related to personal belongings. If the traveler submits a claim and it is denied, they have the option to request a reconsideration or file a legal claim against the insurer. By reviewing the circumstances, an attorney could help the policyholder make an appropriate decision and move forward.

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