How to Buy Health Insurance for Self-Employed Individual?


Awhile ago we talked about what is an insurance premium all about. Today, we want to talk about how to buy health insurance for self-employed. If you are always following this blog, you will exactly find out the advantage of being insured. Imagine, how much you are worth compare to the cost you have to pay for your insurance premium. Is it worth paying small amount of money to insure you “expensive’ life. Of course, we prefer to pay any amount of money just to make sure we have protection.

In our previous articles, we talked also the different ways to save money when buying an insurance, whether you are buying health insurance or life insurance.


We believe everyone has the right to choose what types of insurance we want. Every individual (employees, self-employed, rich, poor) should insure their health and life.

Health Insurance for Self Employed

Maybe you asked, how can I bought insurance if I am self employed. There is no huge difference between buying insurance for employee or buying insurance for self employed. Some companies didn’t buy life insurance for their employees, that’s why employees are buying personal insurance.

Buying an insurance is very easy. First, you need to find out the reliable company. Go to their office, talk to the advisor and start making a purchasing decision. But, the common mistakes you may encounter is you can’t easily find out the best life insurance agent.

If you are self employed, you can do the same procedures. Search for the best health insurance company, study their assets and stability. Look for customers feedback from previous clients. Observe the quality of the company’s products and services. talk to an insurance agent, and start buying insurance.

As a guide, please consider reading how to choose the best life insurance agent. A simple guide with real-life story on how Fred (our friend) met the best agent.

It is easy to buy health insurance as long as you can afford to pay for it. Whether you like it or not, an individual employee or self-employed needs health insurance especially if they work in unhealthy environment, prone to health risk working atmosphere like in chemical factory. Thus, if you need health insurance, you need also to insure your life.

However, you should study first how much coverage you really need. Determine whether you need term-life, whole life insurance or life insurance with investments also known as VUL. Think deeply if you really need such type of life insurance.

It’s your turn. Please share your thought and opinions about health insurance for self-employed. You may want to read our published articles in HMO, Medicaid and Medicare. Please do no forget to share this knowledge with your friends.

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