Health Insurance Premium Payment Program


HIPP stands for Health Insurance Premium Payment Program. Every US states has different payment program. Let me just give you some resources that can help you study what is HIPP all about and states. Health insurance is very important. You can save money from paying premiums by taking advantage of every government program related to health care especially if you are an employee. This simply means your employer can help you pay for private health insurance.

See Also: Almost 90% of American Have Health Insurance because of Obamacare. According to CNN report on April 13, 2015 (New York)


If you are following, you learned that “insurance” (life and health) are income protection. We emphasize it because, whatever happen to the bread-winner of the family (might be an accident or sudden death) will not cause a financial struggle or financial disaster for the family. Take note that HIPP is just an “optional”.

Okay, let’s talk about Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (HIPP). Whether you are residing in New York, California, Georgia or Pennsylvania, there are corresponding Medical program wherein HIPP are granted.

Notice that there are corresponding medical program in every US states, here we provide some useful resources where you can easily understand each State’s medical program. See the application process and payment options.

  • Pennsylvania –
  • New York –
  • Iowa –
  • Georgia –
  • Texas –
  • California –
  • Alaska –
  • Alabama –
  • Illinois –

Not an employee? Not eligible for HIPP? Try to read our guide on health insurance for self employed.

We will add some useful resource soon. Better subscribe to Insurance Premium blog to get instant updates. What can you say about Health Insurance Premium Payment Program HIPP, let me hear your thoughts. Thank you!

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