Cost of Health Insurance in United States


A reader of asked a question about cost of health insurance in United States of America. We will try our best to provide clear and specific answers to this question. It is advisable to shop and compare the health insurance in USA in different companies. Here’s our conversation;

I just migrated in California, USA I want to know how much is health insurance would cost in USA? I am working as a car sales man in CA. Please let me know how much is the ideal health insurance premium should I pay per month or per year. Tell me what to do because I am new to this country.


Cost of Health Insurance in United States Can Be Cheap or Expensive Response: Our best advice to you is to consult with a financial consultant. You don’t need to guess, you have to talk to the right people. Many people will say different insurance companies, when you heard advice from different people can only lead you to confusion.

If you are already a US citizen, the second best thing to do is to ask your employer to get you a health insurance. In USA, health is prioritized compare to other countries. I may think, your employer is already added you to the health insurance group plan for employers.

Consult with a Insurance Agent and CFP

If not yet, find a financial consultant or a certified financial planner. A CFP may help you how to buy a life insurance in USA. When migrating to other countries especially in USA, it is advisable to prepare yourself. Study US laws in each states, search online the “how to tips” such as this topic “how to buy health insurance in USA as a migrate”.

When searching online, you may have the option to landed on a website that offers free health insurance quotes. Once you provide your zip code, your phone and email address, some representative may call you immediately and ask you to visit their office address.

If you find this article useful, please share it with your friends. Contact us or leave a comment if you want to share your own experiences in buying a life insurance. Add important information about the cost of health insurance in United States especially when you’re just a migrate. Thanks for reading.

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