Buying Life Insurance Policy for Other People is Easy


A reader of blog from Florida, USA ask as question if he can buy life insurance policy for other people without their consent or signature via email last April 10, 2015 and this is his message.

“Hi admin, I want to ask, can I buy a life insurance policy on a person (for example for my parents and girlfriend) without their signature?. Please guide me and answer my question asap. Thank you!”


Our Response: No. You can’t buy a life insurance policy for someone. When buying a policy, the insured will sign for some documentation. And the insurance agent won’t allow that. If the one you want to get insured is injured or can’t walk or stand, you may want to invite the insurance agent to do the procedures. But if the one you want to insured has a “hand injury: and he can’t write or sign, probably the agent or the insurance company will allow you.

Even if someone (your parents or girlfriend) has the right to know it, you can’t insured them without their present. The best thing to do is to ask your relatives (the one you want get insured) to go to insurance company and buy a life insurance themselves. Do not waste your time trying to get insured someone without their permission.

You may also want to try to get a power of attorney, if the insurance company grant it, it would be fine. But, most of the time, the insurance companies will only allow anyone to buy insurance with their presence.

Have a Good Intention when Buying Life Insurance Policy for Other People or Loved Ones

If your intention is to be their beneficiary, it’s time to stop that thinking. That’s not the right way or the proper mindset when buying an insurance, that’s type of greediness. I am not judging anyone!

This is just an opinion, it is advisable to ask an insurance agent or any financial expert regarding this matter. We don’t need to disclose the personal identification of the person who ask this question.

Don’t stop reading, you may also want to read on how to choose the best life insurance agent when yo decide to buy insurance policy.

I believe you know the importance of insurance. Please share your thoughts and opinions why buying life insurance policy for other people is a good idea. Share this page with your friends.

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