Buying Health Insurance with No Medical Check Up is Possible

Question we received from readers last week is about health insurance. Frederick from Texas USA asked a question if can he buy health insurance with no medical check up and no doctor visitation.

Should I buy a health insurance If I do not go to medical check up often or didn’t visit a doctor often? What is your opinion about this? Is buying a health insurance a waste of time or I will buy a health insurance, can it save me a lot of money? Please explain! Thanks.

From: Frederick H. Texas, USA via Email

Buying Health Insurance with No Medical Check Up is Possible

Response: Whether you do not go to doctor often, you should buy a health insurance. If you just review and learn what would be the benefits of having a health insurance, you will never forget to buy it. Do not ignore health insurance.

As another guide, please read health insurance cost in USA since you are residing in Texas USA. Also, learn more about our guides and advice on health insurance.

Why You Should Buy Health Insurance?

When you have a health insurance, even if you don’t go to medical check up, you will save more money. Here’s how. When something bad happen to you like accident and you need a medical surgery that cost $150,000, where should you get that money for your medical expense?

In your pocket, in your savings, redeem your investment funds if any or call your insurance agent and file a claim for your health insurance benefits? I believe you will choose the last option.

Sometimes, people don’t believe in health insurance especially those people who are not familiar with the benefits they can get when they have insurance. I do hope all the readers of Insurance Premium blog (www.Insurance-Premium.Net) will get informed.

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