Automobile Physical Damage Insurance Definition and Meaning


Every car sales agent should know about the meaning of automobile physical damage insurance. A customer may ask a car agent if the car will be insured by the company or buy car insurance individually. A car sales agent should know the function or the purpose of car insurance.

There are different types of insurance, and one of these types is the automobile physical damage insurance. When you buy a car, a good salesman must explain to you this type of car insurance.


Automobile Physical Damage Insurance

According to Beiks pocket dictionary, it defined as;

“a coverage to pay for damage to, or loss, of an insured automobile resulting from covered perils”.

Anyone who has a car should have this type of insurance. Maybe you’ll ask, my car is not expensive, should automobile physical damage insurance is still needed? It depends, all insurance are optional.

But, they are recommended because it can help anyone (the insured, the policyholder) to cope from any financial losses due to accident or unexpected event.

Other Related Terms

Automobile Shared Market – a program in which all automobile insurers in each state make coverage available to car owners who are unable to obtain auto insurance in the voluntary market.

Automobile Liability Insurance – a protection for an insured against financial loss because of legal liability act that has car related injuries to others or damage to their property.

Citations and Reference: Beiks Pocket Dictionary

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