Accident Rider Life Insurance Meaning and Definition


Want to know what is a accident rider life insurance? This type of insurance is very important especially for every car owner or drivers. A reader asked a question; Is Accident Insurance Really Needed When Buying Life Insurance? He is simply asking accident rider life insurance. I do hope you will like our simple answer.

“I am buying health and life insurance, should I need to buy accident insurance, too? I am working as a car mechanic in Texas, USA. – Matt B”. A reader of asked a question yesterday (April 15, 2015) sent via email messaging.


Response: You made a wise decision. You are probably right to include accident insurance because your work is very risky. The risks accompanied as an automobile technician are as follows;

  • Lung Cancer due to gasoline or diesel inhalation.
  • Disability due to accidents in workplace or test driving a car.

Terms related to this topic are “accident” and “accident insurance”. Accident means a sudden event which is unexpected or unintended while “accident insurance” is an insurance coverage against loss by accidental bodily injury.

Reference: BEIKS Pocket Dictionary

Add Accident Rider Life Insurance

It is advisable that you should have both health insurance and life insurance. When buying insurance, make sure you added “total disability insurance” and “accident insurance”.

When you’re buying a life insurance, it is advisable to ask your advisor on how to include accidental insurance. And of course, the more additional coverage, the higher the insurance premium you will pay.

Do you have any other questions about accident rider life insurance? Please leave a comment and share your opinions about accidental insurance. Thanks for reading.

Thought to Ponder:
Life is expensive, don’t consider insurance premium as expensive thing, too. Insurance premium is very cheap as long as it can give value and use to the most expensive one.

Stay tune to this blog to learn more about insurance terminologies. Want to say something about accident rider life insurance? Write your thoughts and opinions in the comment box below. Share this with your friends.

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