How to Type Fast in a Computer Keyboard?

Do you want to know how to type fast in your computer keyboard? Hi, you said awhile ago that you can type fast in your computer keyboard when writing your blog articles. I want to know how to type fast, I am using a MacBook. Can you give me an idea on how to do it? I want to produce more articles in my new blog. Sorry for the question, but I am interested in your techniques.

How to type fast is one of the questions being asked here at My reader might noticed that this blog has a new post everyday. From a single article to 5 articles per day. The reasons why I hide my recent post is to get noticed again and again, I simply use a “back date”. Instead of scheduling it today, I will modify the date one month later. And I hide the date in my header’s blog. Do you want to know how I learned how to type fast? Keep on reading this guide.

How to Type Fast in a Computer Keyboard?

Answer: Whether you are using a simple desktop, a high end computer or a laptop. There are specific ways to type fast. I will give you my strategies today. I hope you find this useful.

Find Typing Games Online

Find any online games related to typing. Of course you don’t want a low score. Aim high score, keep on playing typing games online. When I started knowing how to type fast in the computer, I memorize the position of each character. Do not forget to position your fingers. Search some websites or blogs about the proper position of your fingers when typing in a computer keyboard.

Type the sentence “ The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog” in 10 times or more. The reason why I want you to type this sentence is because the alphabets are all used.

In my case, I can type the sentence “The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog” in 5 seconds without any error, not bad, right?

Practice Typing Daily

Practice makes perfect. If you are a beginner in using a computer, you probably need to learn to type first using MSWord. Keep on typing everyday. Twice or thrice a week. Make sure, you turn on the “auto spelling checker”. Find a book and type some paragraphs from that book. The more you write, the more you will learn how to type fast.

Familiarize the Keyboard Keys by Typing “Quick Brown Fox”.

Familiarizing computer keyboard keys can help you type many words quickly. As a guide, try to type these sentence in your computer keyboard.

“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”.

Type “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” over and over until you master the position of the keys in your computer keyboard. Practice typing it without looking at the computer keyboard.

Type Your Own Words

When you are able to type fast by copying some paragraphs from the books or magazines, then, the next best thing to do is to think some ideas what to write. Example, if you have an idea about how to stop bullying in the class or how to report the bullies in school. Write an article about it without copying from other sources. This simply means you are using your own ideas and opinions when typing the article.

Learning how to type fast is easy. The hardest part is how to keep on typing while you are in front of the computer. If you really want to know how to type fast, stop watching YouTube videos, stop reading articles, create your own articles and soon you may realize that you can type as fast as you can.

Do you know? I typed this article in just 7 minutes. This article consist of 583 words. This means I can type 7 words per seconds. Not fast enough? Try it.

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