How to Solve Money Issues in a Marriage

Whether you like it or not, you will meet a marriage conflicts. And one of these marriage conflicts is “money”. It is easy to solve money issues in a marriage as long as both partners have plans and a clear goal on what to do with their finances.

Today, let this simple guide and advice be useful for you to save your marriage. This post should be our first topics on “money” group and “money problems with solutions and answers” collections of articles.

how to solve money issues in a marriage
Image Credit: Leland Francisco on CC 2.0 — Marriage

To start with, let us first analyze why the couples encountered money problems. Here are the few of those reasons why;

We have the solution to solve any money problems in a marriage. The following ideas are just my opinion. You can follow it to save your marriage.

Any money issues in relationships can find an easy solution by discussing it with your partner. Do not tolerate any negative thoughts to come in your minds. Those negative thoughts such as marrying a rich guy and file a divorce with your husband. It will only ruin your life especially when you have already kids.

How to Solve Money Issues in a Marriage

Trust me, if you are reading bible, God didn’t allow divorce. Why should you follow people’s law if your God will get mad at both of you (husband and wife). If God is with you, you will always be bless with prosperity, great relationship, good health and happiness. Although there are money issues in the family, you can solve it.

Assuming you don’t love each other and you both agree in divorce. If you will not change your attitude in money, the same issues will again rise in second marriage. But, the first solution should not be divorce. Follow the given ideas mentioned here and surely you will save your marriage.

It is so great if you and your partner will achieve your goal. Do one thing at a time. Remember, you have to save your marriage for the sake of God’s law and because you love your kids. Which one would you choose? You are rich but have a broken family or you are rich with a happy family. If you will ask me, I will choose to become happy and rich.

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