How to Discuss Financial Investment to Your Spouse?

You’re not going to start bad arguments with your spouse with regards to financial investments topics. Investing is very exciting especially if you know that you and your whole family will get benefits from it.

I think one of the reasons why spouses disagree to invest some portion of their family’s income is because they do not understand what is investment all about and they don’t heard about investing or never get good explanation why investing is great.

Today, if you can’t convince your husband/wife to invest, read this simple guide on how to start a perfect conversation about financial investment topics.

Learn How to Discuss Financial Investment to Your Spouse and with your whole family members.

Things Needed

Extra Time – you need to spend quality time with your spouse, might be a dinner in a fine dining restaurant or a travel adventure.

Personal Finance Books – you need to have a personal finance books. I highly recommend some books of Suze Orman, T. Harv Eker and Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Common Sense – of course you need a common sense when discussing this financial matter to your spouse especially when he/she has a question.

Step One. Invite or ask your spouse for a date.

Step Two. You need to enjoy the day. Make it special. Start a conversation, until you open a discussion about finances such as your family’s income, your future plans and future financial goals.

Financial Investment Topics to Talk About by Couples

Step Three. Make your “ideas” impressive by inserting some good points to remember why you and your spouse need to invest your money, start telling him/her the following ideas;

Couple Discussing Finances
Photo from Vladimir Pustovit via Flickr CC 2.0

You need to explain to spouse these three important things. First the education funds, that you need to prepare for the education of your children. You must prepare for it now. Second, passive income. It simply means you don’t have to work for money because your hard-earned money is working for you. Third is retirement plan. Tell your spouse that both of you should retire happy and rich.

To make these things happen, you need a lot of money. To have a lot of money, you just don’t earn it, save it, but invest your money. Investing is the best way to make your money work for you and for your spouse.


In order for you to start a great conversation with your spouse related to financial investment topics, you need to give him/her a quality time, explain to your spouse the great benefits of investing such as preparing the education funds of your children, creating another passive income and to retire rich and comfortable.

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