New Year’s Resolution 2017; I want to Become a Successful Investor

Almost everyone has a New Year’s Resolution for this coming year 2017. Hey, just be a grateful investor, not all people knows about investing. You have the opportunity to get rich and live the life you truly deserve! Here is my new year’s resolution for 2017 and the reasons why I am so grateful this year 2016. There are about 25 days left for the year 2016. I thank God I have a wonderful year this 2016, from finances and other aspects of my life especially a quality time for my family.

I have to think my personal new year’s resolution for the year 2017. What is meant by a new year’s resolution? It has something to do with your life; such as finding a solution for your problems whether it be a financial problems, health problem, relationship problem or even an attitude problem (self-development). Other people are excited for a new year to come. But, what makes them excited? I have no clues. Maybe, the word “new” makes them excited. What about you? What makes you feel excited?

2016 Rewind: Why I am so grateful? I am so grateful because this year 2016, I have many achievements in my life. As a writer, a housewife, a mother, a husband and an investor, I did exactly what I intend to do. Of course, through the guidance of our Almighty Father, I achieved extra ordinary things.

I became investor investing in stocks, mutual funds, UITF and some properties as a small start. I got scammed many times online and offline, but, now I find the best way to invest. I became a blogger, sharing my own personal finance experiences online. My lovely daughter was born, she is my inspiration. Until she will get older I promised this blog is still available online. But what makes me feel excited every year is I am realizing my goal little by little; to give my daughter an extra P1,000,000, a car, and a business capital when she turned 18.

I am Grateful Investor Because of My Achievement

Before let me continue my achievements and 2017 new year’s resolution, let me thank all the readers of from Philippines, North America and other part of the world. And those people who taught me how to invest and prepare for my future.

I don’t meet them personally but through their books and blogs, they help me to realize how personal finance and getting rich really works.

I am a Grateful Investor I Found Useful Books

1. Mr. Napoleon Hill; author of Think and Grow Rich
2. Mr. Robert Kiyosaki: thank you for your books entitled Cash Flow Quadrant and Retire Young: Retire Rich
3. Mr. Wallace D. Wattles: thank you for your book entitled The Science of Getting Rich
4. Mr. David King: the author of “You Can Be Rich”
5. Mr. Francisco J. Colyaco: thank you for your books entitled Making Your Money Work and Wealth Within Your Reach
6. Mr. Bo Sanchez: thank you for your book entitled 8 Habits of a Happy Millionaire
7. Mr. Marvin Germo: thank you for your book “Stock Smarts”.
8. Mr. Randell Tiongson; thank you for your NO Non Sense Personal Finance book.
9. Ms. Ma. Aurora Sicat: thank you for your book entitled Negosyong Patok
10. Rhonda Byrne: author of “The Secret”, teaches me the law of attraction to money.
11. and of course to my favorite author, Mr. T. Harv Eker: thank you Sir for your book entitled “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”.

Thank you to the all the admin of Facebook groups I joined. Thank you for always approving my content (even though my blog content sucks) to show and read by other members. Without you, is sleeping! Thank you for making it alive!

Thank you Lord for keeping me, my husband, my daughter, my parents healthy and happy. Thank you for your blessings.

My 2017 New Year’s Resolution

Here are my new year’s resolutions for the year 2017. I need to write about this so that I will be more aware that I really need to fix things by finding the best possible solutions. If you are perfect, you don’t need a new year’s resolution. It means every corner of your life is perfect! I think everyone needs a new year’s resolution.

Time Management: I have a problem with time management. As a busy housewife, a mother, a famer with our small backyard piggery and a blogger. I need to manage my time to become more productive and do my task efficiently.

English Grammar: Obviously, I need to learn to write English fluently. During my high school days (I don’t even enter college), I hate English and Arithmetic. I wonder why I became an investor and a writer. But, at least although I can’t make my English grammar perfectly, my content and what’s on my mind really matter. I have a good intention why I write.

Awhile ago, I remove the rating widgets in my blog. I am thankful 8 out of 10 visitors find useful. Rate now! (Right after the Net Worth Tracking Widget).

Increasing my Knowledge in Personal Finance and Investing:I admit I have only little knowledge in investing and personal finance. The solution for this is to attend financial literacy seminars, study stock fundamental analysis, talk to a registered financial planner and keep on reading business and finance books.

I want to attend the seminars conducted by Mr. Marvin Germo for stock fundamental analysis and Mr. Randell Tiongson for personal finance seminars. I will also attend the yearly shareholder’s meeting. The Continuation of this article can be read at Don’t Invest, Hope and Pray: New Year’s Resolution 2017

Have a blessed and prosperous new year! What about you? Do you feel like being a grateful investor? Share your investing experience in the comment box below!

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