My Google AdSense Experience on How I Make Money with Blogging

My Google AdSense experience is totally awesome! I experiences ups and downs with the program. Google AdSense is one of the best money making programs on the internet. A beginner blogger knows AdSense very well. Since you are also a blogger, I will not talk about how do Google AdSense works.

The ways on how I make money blogging is simple. I just write what I know. In writing articles, I keep on using easy to understand English. It is very important to write what you know if you want to start blogging. The more you know, the more you can write in your blog.

I wrote some tips, tricks and tutorials. Most of my tutorials are related to personal finance, stock marketing investing and money management. I just wrote my personal experience.

One good Google AdSense example site is This blog is about money. It means, this blog niche is “finance”. Some blogging experts and AdSense experts says it is important to have a high paying blog niche. They also said that you should include the high paying keywords. But, in my opinion, those are not important. Serve your visitors first and money will come.

Like, I am providing useful articles on investing for beginners. I didn’t even care on how much money can I make in Google AdSense. What I really care is that my visitors are satisfied. The aim of this blog is to give useful information.

google adsense experience in blogging
First Year Anniversary with Google AdSense Program

My Google AdSense Experiements and Tips and Tricks

I made some Google AdSense experiments few months ago. I found that the experiments aren’t worth because this blog didn’t receive enough traffic. I always use the responsive Google AdSense ads just to make sure all of them are displayed beautifully in any devices such as desktop and high end mobile device.

For bloggers, I found some Google AdSense tips and tricks to shared today to boost your AdSense revenue. This tutorials might help you increase your earnings. Here are they,

My journey to AdSense is starting. This year 2015, I will publish more articles and keep on promoting my blog. statistics so far;

Don’t get me wrong, people in North America are more interested in personal finance than those people in Asia. My visitors that came from USA are looking for good stocks to buy and retirement planning advice. Good thing, I have all of these stuffs.

How to Make 100 Dollars a Day with Adsense?

If you have a blog that has hundreds of thousands page views per day, you can easily make 100 dollars a day with AdSense. I see some people using YouTube to make more income. This simply means, if you have a YouTube channel and you’re popular, you can make a lot of money with AdSense. See the American funny guys Smosh on YouTube.

There are many useful AdSense tutorials on the internet. But, I have said awhile ago, it is better to listen with the AdSense team than anyone else. So, do you want to create a Google AdSense account? Let me share what I know and my personal experience a year ago.

BTW: This is my first year anniversary in using Google AdSense program. After a year, I earned only $250. Don’t laugh at this amount. This means I am not getting at least one dollar a day. I have a profession and some small business. Google AdSense can help me pay for my web hosting and domain name renewal. However, that’s not my goal. My goal is to make extra money not just enough money to pay for web hosting and domain renewal.

My goal is to create another passive income. All my Google AdSense revenue will invest in stocks. Another big thank you to Google. Thanks a lot!

My Goal is to Earn at Least $100 a Day

I have read many forums and blogs about Google AdSense program. Many professional bloggers shared Google AdSense tips for bloggers are claiming they are making more than 100 dollars a day. My mind keep on thinking, if they can do it, I can do it.

Here are my plans to to earn 100 a day with the AdSense program. To publish more articles about investing, retirement, and personal finance. To get more visitors from North America and European Countries, and most of all, to make this blog more informative, useful and unique.

I have an inspirations to follow. These are professional bloggers and they are really expert in the field of blogging. Do you want to know who they are? Here are they;

AdSense Tips and Warnings

I have learned so much things in using Google AdSense in the fast few months. Let me share it to you. First of all, do not play the game foolishly. Do not trick the game, if you found useful AdSense tips and tricks that are good in 2012 and 2013, do not use those tricks because we are now on the year 2015. Do not violate the AdSense program policies.

Love your AdSense account. Many bloggers are dreaming to have an account. Don’t lose your account. If you are using WordPress, you can use QuickAdSense plugin to insert the ads conveniently. You can also use click-fraud monitoring plugin.

I know this article is not enough to give you the information you really need. If you have any questions, please visit InsideAdSense official blog. Do not forget to share your Google AdSense experience. It is also good if you leave a comment and let us know how much money you are making with the program. Have a blessed day!

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