Fidelity 401k Plan for Retirement

Are you looking for an opportunity to have a secured retirement? Consider Fidelity 401k investment product as your vehicle to retire comfortably. Some information you need to know about 401k and its benefits and an information on how to open retirement account in Fidelity Investments.

Here in InvestmentTotal, I inform my readers about investment opportunities and the great possible ways to retire rich and successful. 401k is very popular when people are talking about retirement. However, some aren’t taking action to put some efforts and money on their part to contribute in 401k plan. Some people are afraid because they know the risk involved and they keep on asking; is 401k really for retirement? They keep on asking and wondering if 401k is really good for them. The answer to these questions, are always depend on “how you treat 401k.”

Fidelity 401k Plan for Retirement

Simple Definition of 401(k)
A 401(k) is a long term savings plan for employed individuals in USA sponsored by an employer. It is an automatic savings plan made before the paycheck is received by an employee. This simply means, the money saved is for retirement.

Benefits of 401(k)?
There are lot of benefits if you contribute to 401(k) plan, benefits such as tax advantage
 and employer match programs,investment choice of the contributor and flexibility of terms, loan opportunities and hardship of withdrawals wherein it is good if you will use the funds for your retirement.
The contributor can choose low to high risk investment instrument depending on how capability in taking such risk. Some example of low risk investments are short-term bonds.

Try Fidelity 401k Plan for Retirement

As a simple acknowledgement, Fidelity Investment is one of the great companies in North America offering different investment different products such as

The company provides useful guide and seminars before letting their clients to invest with them. According to the company


Here’s the simple guide on how to open a fidelity 401k account, if you found these procedures “wrong”, please write the proper procedures “based in your own experiences in opening an account” in the comments box.

Step One. Go to – the official website of Fidelity Investment
Step Two. Download the form
Step Three: Filled out the form
Step Four: Mail the form using this appropriate fidelity mailing address.
Step Five: Call the customer representative for “follow ups” of your application.

You can call the customer service representative at

Now, as I have said awhile ago. A rich and financial expert would share his point of view about 401k, is 401k good investment for your retirement?

Conclusion: Contribute to your 401k especially if you have an account in Fidelity Investments, but do not rely only in 401k as your retirement savings, consider also investing in the stock market or mutual funds at Fidelity Mutual Funds, real estate or business enterprises.

Mutual funds, bonds or direct stocks are another type of investment products that can help you grow your money overtime. However, there are risk involve in investing in such investment vehicles.

Like in 401k, there is also risk involve, the risk that might arise when contributing in 401k are, the company that provides 401k investment products might fail, the market might crash or you might experience loss of capability to contribute because you met an accident and you can no longer perform a work or task, and many more risk involve. Simply means, 401k is has no difference in other investment products because of “risk involved”. That’s why, some money experts or financial advisors aren’t focusing on 401k alone, they are teaching their clients to invest in other investment vehicles.

Think about this, would you listen to money experts and financial advisors recommendations? To contribute in 401k and have an investments aside from 401k such as real estate properties, business empire, bonds, stocks options, ETFs (exchange-traded funds) etc.. I think they are perfectly right! Perfectly because they (financial experts and Robert Kiyosaki) wants you to retire rich and successful.

Read the Guide on: How to Invest with Fidelity Mutual Funds?
Or get connected with Fidelity Investments and ask a financial advisor.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Fidelity Investments. Do your own research and investigation. It is advisable to ask your financial advisor or finance experts before making any investment decision. Some business names, logos, registered trademarks are owned by their respective companies.

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Money Quote and Saying for the Day:

If your motivation for acquiring money or success comes from nonsupportive root such as fear, anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your money will never bring you happiness – T. Harv Eker, on Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

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