Facebook Stock Price Increased 33.41% this Year
Did you make profit when Facebook stock price increased for about 333.41% this year 2015? Facebook is one of the mega tech stocks in North America. Every investors are looking for a good stocks to buy. If you bought Facebook stocks on January 2, 2015 and sell it today December 1, 2015, you will gain more profits.
Here is the historical Facebook stock price as of January 2, 2015 to December 1, 2015. Analyze the data and find out if Facebook stock price will be one of the good stocks to buy this year 2016.
Facebook Stock Price (January 2 – December 1, 2015)
Date | Open | High | Low | Close |
Dec 1, 2015 | 104.83 | 107.92 | 101.46 | 104.66 |
Nov 2, 2015 | 101.72 | 110.65 | 100.47 | 104.24 |
Oct 1, 2015 | 90.05 | 105.12 | 88.36 | 101.97 |
Sep 1, 2015 | 86.85 | 96.49 | 85.72 | 89.90 |
Aug 3, 2015 | 93.53 | 98.74 | 72.00 | 89.43 |
Jul 1, 2015 | 86.77 | 99.24 | 85.23 | 94.01 |
Jun 1, 2015 | 79.30 | 89.40 | 78.66 | 85.77 |
May 1, 2015 | 79.24 | 81.85 | 76.79 | 79.19 |
Apr 1, 2015 | 82.50 | 85.59 | 78.32 | 78.77 |
Mar 2, 2015 | 79.00 | 86.07 | 77.26 | 82.22 |
Feb 2, 2015 | 76.11 | 81.37 | 73.45 | 78.97 |
Jan 2, 2015 | 78.58 | 79.25 | 73.54 | 75.91 |
Source: Yahoo Finance
From 78.58 per share to 104.83 per share, that’s an increase of 33 percent. Will you buy another Facebook stocks for this year? Or will you try another stocks?
Related: Compare the historical stock price of Facebook last year 2014.
Many business owners and facebook page owners advertise on Facebook to get more likes. Advertising is how Facebook makes money. Imagine if you have a website that has billions of users worldwide. Facebook, Inc. will give opportunities to investors and business owners by buying stocks and advertising on their website. Let me know your comments about the increase of Facebook stock price last year.