How to Create Facebook Business Page Easily?

Learn how to create Facebook business page to help you grow your business. Useful tips on how to use facebook in your advantage. Facebook is one the most leading social networking site today. There are many social networking sites aside from fb such as myspace, twitter, google plus, linkedin, digg, stumble upon, pinterest, and many more. People use facebook to socialize online, such as chatting, commenting, uploading and downloading a photo. People tend to use FB for personal use not for business use.

I remember one the famous quote about business “if your business is not online, you’re not into business”. This means you should take advantage online because nowadays are searching for information or products online, they are “lazy” to go to store and find out what’s new. They will use the search engine Google, Yahoo or Bing to search for an information and some business owners are creating a Facebook page.

Learn: Why there are Many Facebook Ads Online?

Benefits of Facebook Business Page

Do you want to know what are the benefits of having a facebook page? Here are some of the benefits you can get or your company can get.

1. Instant marketing
2. Instant product or services promotion
3. Increase business popularity
4. Generate sales revenue

Facebook Business Page  for Instant Marketing

One of your marketing strategies should be the use of online marketing. In online marketing, you should know which website can give you a high traffic for your company page. High traffic means more chances of getting leads, or let’s say, more chances to let many people know your company products or services.

Related: How to Sell Products and Services on Facebook Effectively?

Increase Business Popularity on Facebook

Do you know that you can increase the popularity of your business online? As I have said earlier, there are billions of people are using Facebook almost everyday. It is your chance to make your business popular. How to make it?

Simple, once you have created your own business page in Facebook, promote it or let your friends like the page and everytime you post an update, anyone who liked the page will get notifications about your post. Simply they will going to read what you have written in your facebook page wall.

How to Create Facebook Business Page Easily?

Now you know the benefits, are you ready to learn on how to make a page for your business in Facebook? Here is the guide.

Step 1. Facebook Sign Up
You have to sign up on facebook, creating a facebook account is very easy. This guide is not applicable if you are using mobile. Make sure you are in front of your desktop. First, go to, in the homepage, fill out your details such as name (first name, last name), email address, create a password (desired password must not be easy to guess) a combination of letters, numbers and special characters is an ideal) example password that is easy to guess: PyX$#234minE and , enter your birthday, gender (male,female) there you go, create an account. Now, go to your email and confirm the sign up process for validation.

Note: if you are using mobile just enter you mobile number or a second option (use your email)

After you have created you personal facebook account. It’s time to proceed on step 2. Create a facebook page.

Step 2. Create a Facebook Page
Go to facebook login home page, after you have logged in, look at the bottom of homepage that says “create page”. Start

Facebook Business Tips:

Fill out the necessary information, such as about your company, link your website to your facebook page if you have a company or personal website. Upload your company logo so that your page will look professional.

I hope you learn a simple but useful facebook tips today. After you have created your business facebook page, it’s time to create a like box in your website which will be written in the near time.

Whenever you are making an offline marketing and you are using a print out materials such as fliers, stickers or calling card, put your facebook business page link on those printed materials.

Example of URL link are :

The facebook page of this blog is

Money Quote and Saying for the Day:
“You have to dream to create a motivating target to shoot for. Dream big and you’ll surprise a lot of people – maybe even yourself, with what you can accomplish.” – Steve Klein, Successful Self-Made Entrepreneur and Canadian Marketing Coach

Keep on visiting and subscribe to its email newsletter to receive latest updates especially about Facebook and other social networking sites. Let me know if you encounter troubles when you create Facebook business page. Share your experience in the comment box.

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