What if the MLM Company Closed?


Do you know what to do if the MLM company closed? My friend is asking me to join MLM, he always said the MLM company where he joined is a good and reliable company. It has great products and it can offer income streams. The old members or the pioneers are getting rich, they have now a bran new luxury car, they travel the best places in the world such as Paris, London, Sydney and New York City. I want to join but my mind is thinking, what if the MLM company closed? Please help me to decide. Thanks – William HB, San Francisco, California, USAResponse: First, you shouldn’t join MLM because you don’t know what is MLM all about. MLM means multi-level marketing. It means you have to recruit people to make money.

Second, don’t join MLM networking if you don’t know the process of “networking”. The more downlines you have in your network, the more money you can make.


Third, don’t get lured with the luxury cars. These pioneers deserve to get those luxury cars and live the lifestyle they want. It is because they took risk for the first time, they are not sure if the company will succeed or not, but still, the took action.

If you can do what the pioneers or the MLM ambassadors did, you can also succeed and to have those luxury cars and lifestyle too. But, if you know and feel you can’t do whatever it takes to succeed, don’t join. Or else, you will just waste your money.

Remember: MLM Networking is also a traditional business wherein  it requires efforts, guts, skills, and most of all – a winning attitude.

Before you join in any MLM networking be sure to read more reviews to find out what other people are saying about the company. Look at this Hempstart MLM to learn and read a MLM review.

What if the MLM Company Closed?

If the MLM closed or bankrupt, you should move on. Find another new MLM company that you think it has a big potential. Remember, the earlier you join, the more people in your down lines, the more money you can make!

Note: We don’t have to disclose fully the real name, email address and the MLM company for legal issues.

Do you know any great MLM companies turned into scam? from making their members getting rich and now they are getting poorer? What is your experience in joining in a networking business? Please leave a comment and share your opinion. Thank you.

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