28 Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business


Top Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business. If you are planning to become an entrepreneur, stop! Analyze yourself if you are capable to run your own business. Being your own boss is good journey. Start the quiz now! Estimated Reading Time: 3 to 5 Minutes We modified this entrepreneurship self evaluation.

If you are wondering if you will succeed or not in business or entrepreneurship, these questions might help you to evaluate yourself and maybe your career in business. Starting a business is not easy. But these questions can guide you to have at least idea about getting started, getting ahead.


1. Do I know my business niche? Business niche is a well and focused target of products, service in specific industry. Example, you want to start a business in technology, you may want to sell products and services about “cars”, in technology industry, your targets are car buyers, car enthusiast, etc.

If you are in insurance business, then don’t you can offer mutual funds or investment programs for your clients. Thus, your niche is in “financial industry”.

  • technology – gadgets, cars, airplane, jet
  • jewelries – fashion, earrings, necklace, rings
  • mining industry – focused on “gold” (see the last question)
  • food – sell food products and services (specific: noodles, chicken, rice, etc.)

2. I am passionate doing the things I love in my business.

3. I know and created my business goals.

4. I have a business plans and ready to take action.

5. Self discipline is not an issue to me.

6. I am willing to take risk, and manage business risks.

7. I am an excellent money manager. I am knowledgeable about documentations, TAXES, and my liabilities to the government, or to my own country (to the world).

8. I am driven by “love and care” to human and nature.

9. I have the ability to provide high quality customer service.

10. I don’t know about my business competitors. I don’t care about them anyway. I’m here to create not to compete!

11. The business I want to run is related to my hobbies, skills and interest.

12. I admire Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos. I know them very well, their simplicity, passion and vision.

13. I want to build a business empire that is nature friendly and could not harm human health & lives.

Other Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business

Your vision, plans, creativity and resourcefulness will lead you somewhere. But your mediocrity and laziness will lead nowhere. Remember, there are important questions to ask before starting a business.

14. I have a vision to change the world positively through my business.

15. I am planning to become a “philanthropist” starting today as If my business is already successful.

16. I am the type of man who can create solutions to every problems; I am a problem solver.

17. I am thinker and “tinker”.

18. I am creative and resourceful.

19. I believe to be successful, in business, the formula is 1% LUCK and 99% hardwork.

20. I am easy to be with professional, businessmen, and other people.

21. I love innovation and progress.

Important Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business

Do you love learning? Entrepreneurship and becoming a businessman is a lifelong journey. It takes good leadership, management skills (time, money, people, stress, emotions, priorities, etc).

22. I love reading, learning, investing & entrepreneurship.

23. I am a good communicator and I know more about leadership.

24. I love working with people – and very compassionate.

25. I can manage stress, pressures, and bad days.

26. I practice time management.

27. I love business profits and not a paycheck.

28. For me, humanity and nature preservation is still better than making money.

This is a simple powerful reminder in case you succeed, bookmark this question in your head! “Don’t ever forget NATURE PRESERVATION and HUMANITY” Good luck!


Thank you for reading this 28 Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business kindly share it with your friends and fellow “wanna be boss”. If your answers to these questions are “YES”, “CONGRATULATIONS”, because you are now ready to start your own business. You possessed all the qualities and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, you can start your own business now. Don’t be in a hurry! You should keep learning along the way. Subscribe in our “business and entrepreneurship” newsletter below!

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