Purchasing a Domain Name for a Website Quick Guide for Business


Purchasing a domain name for a website is very easy. You can purchase a domain name for your business websites or for your personal blogs using your debit card, credit card or your PayPal account. Always remember that a domain name is the one that your customers or target visitors will remember. Example this website domain name is

Learn how to successful purchase a domain name for your website today! If you want to buy a domain names, you must consider some of these important things;


A. Choosing a Domain Name

Choose domain names that are short and easy to remember. Your domain name for a website must have at least one or two syllable for easy to remember.


  • Google (gu-gel)
  • Facebook (feys-buk)
  • Twitter (twit-ter)

B. Keyword Rich

Make sure when purchasing a domain name for a website must be keyword rich. Keyword-rich domain names has advantage in search engine optimization.

Example: (if your website is about trading binary options)

  • gooptions
  • nicetrade
  • binarix
  • tradinggo

C. Domain Name Price and Availability

Make sure you search a domain name and consider the price. The extensions like .com,.net, .org and .info are expensive than other extensions. Famous keywords like sex, money, cash, atm, bank, insurance, trade, health, stocks, options, are expensive.

Tips in Purchasing a Domain Name for a Website

Also, keyword rich and one syllable and short domain names are expensive. If  your preferred domain name is not available, make use of other extension.

D. Domain Name Registrant

Here are the things you must consider in choosing domain name registrant;

  • must be in the industry for so many years
  • has excellent customer service
  • has its own great web hosting package
  • is giving promos and discounts
  • has many payment options like PayPal, debit card, credit card, PayZa and even bitcoin

In my experience, the best way to buy domain name is through PayPal and debit card! It will save you money if you spend time to know where to buy a domain name for cheap.

I hope you do like this simple tips. So before purchasing a domain name for a website, think carefully if the above criteria are in your chose domain name registrant.

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