Internet Cafe Business Profit May Decrease Due to Mobile Games and WiFi

Is your internet cafe business profit decreased? Many reasons why internet shop business income decrease. Here are some of the reasons and your remedy to make your internet cafe business runs smoothly again and become more profitable.

Since mobile games and high end mobile devices has been developed, many internet cafe business struggles to make decent profits. Why? it is because many people will prefer to use their mobile devices, buy a data for mobile legend games, or search for things, watch videos on YouTube, and even print their materials using their own printer.

Internet Cafe Business Profit May Decrease Due to Mobile Games and WiFi

The remedy for these internet cafe businesses is to innovate. Instead of just having a typical internet business, the owner may give some services that is trend or usable. Not just going to internet cafe and use a computer. Might be a coffee shop with internet cafe, or bookshop with internet cafe.

Mobile Legends  mobile game become popular. Internet cafe business get more profits when the DOTA and CrossFire desktop games become number one games.

Image Credit: Bill L via Flickr CC 2.0 – Internet Cafe Business Profit May Decrease Due to Mobile Games and WiFi


You may continue to run your internet cafe business by offering other internet services, printing services, etc.

Your internet cafe business may still run smoothly for some places wherein people prefer to play games on desktop, or browse online using desktop, or use social media site like Facebook using desktop instead of mobile.

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