My Affiliate Marketing Commission Percentage


Just tracking my affiliate marketing commission percentage for every sales made for different types of affiliate products every month.

Today I proved to myself that anyone can make money with affiliate marketing. I make money online through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is selling other people’s product or services. When I received my commissions I was very happy. And the affiliate marketing commission percentage was quiet high (50% to 75% sales commission), from products to products. Although sometimes, selling online is tough, you have to keep going to make sales.
If you are a beginners in affiliate marketing just like me, you need to track you conversion rate. For how many visitors you need to make one sale? If you can make sale for every 300 people you refer and you need 3 sales a day, you just need 900 people. 900 people or invites is easy since we are using technology. You can use Facebook marketing, video marketing, articles or even paid advertisement.
I really want to make my online business a big time and serious business. I get paid few hundred dollars today. I am so thankful because I found a affiliate marketing program related to my interest – personal finance and investing.I want to thank all visitors. Without you, this blog is useless. Thank you for being with me everytime I publish personal finance tips.

Affiliate Marketing Commission Percentage

My goal is to earn in affiliate program at least $3,000 per month or equivalent to $100 per day. I know it will be easy if I will only write the things I am so passionate about. This blog is not just about personal finance, Writing non-related topics is so difficult for me.


Example is the fight of Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. wherein I write it two months ago. During the month of May, this blog received few thousands of visitors from every part of the world and the things my visitors are looking for is “boxing sports live stream”. I didn’t apply SEO here, I just write what I know and what’s on my mind.

Tracking my personal affiliate marketing efforts on how did I make huge commission for the month.

Image Credit: Miran Rijavec CC 2.0

InvestmentTotal.Com Goal

To have at least 5,000 well written articles. I mean well written, a well written article are those useful and worth sharing to other people. So far, this blog has 450 articles and maybe 20 of these articles can consider as pillar articles.

My lesson to affiliate marketing is simple. Provide useful tips and sell items. Provide value to my niche website visitors, collect email subscriber, follow up and then sell items. Of course, the game in affiliate marketing is simple. More visitors, more subscribers, more sales.

I want to thank my internet provider, my webhosting and my domain registrant for making this things possible. I am now ready for my journey to a hundred dollar a day with affiliate marketing. What about you?How do you make sales with your affiliate products and what is your affiliate marketing commission percentage? How do you execute internet marketing? Please share your affiliate marketing experience. Thank you!

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