How to Start Blogging and Make Money Online?


Want to know how to start blogging for money? Making money online is possible and easy as long as you have a blog. There are many bloggers who made their fortune through blogging. Are you dreaming to have your own blog and make money with it?

This might not be the best guide. But, I assure you that this post is easy to follow. It can really help you start blogging and make money with your blog.


You only need few things to start blogging and earn money on the internet. Actually blogging is just some of the best ways to make money online. But, let just discuss how to actually create a blog and make money.

Benefits of Blogging

There are many benefits you can get when you start a blog. You can make yourself satisfied when your blog teach other people to do how to do a specific task. You can easily share your knowledge and skills in blogging. You can also, meet friends and increase your credibility as a writer (if you’re a writer).

I am not a native English speaker. But now, through blogging I learned how to write in English language. Practice makes perfect! If you are a business owner, you can reach as many people as you can, you can get more customers and generate more sales.

Total Investment Capital to Start Blogging

There are people who are afraid to invest money. They want to get all things for FREE. You should avoid that kind of mindset. If you want to get rich, you should know how to spend money to make money.

So, here is the investment total required when you want to start blogging and make money online;

Domain Name: $13
Web Hosting: $150
Total: $163

A Domain Name – this is the name of your blog. Say for example, I named this blog (the one you are reading now) as

Domain Name Buying Tip: Choose a short and unique domain name. A easy to remember domain name is better. Also, register a domain name related to what you want to blog about. Example; if you want to blog about your travel experience, you can use or

You can buy a domain name at NameCheap, I recommend NameCheap because I proved and experienced myself how it is easy for me to create my blog.

A Web Hosting – I used HostGator for my webhost. I recommend HostGator because I personally used it and I never encounter any problems with their hosting services. I have actually several blogs hosted in HostGator.

Webhosting Buying Tip: Buy hosting package for at least 3 years. Also, it is recommended to buy web hosting wherein you can host unlimited domains. It means, in just one hosting package, you can create several blogs.

Blogging Platform – Of course, I will recommend what professional bloggers are using; the When you have your domain name and bought web hosting package, all you need to do next is to install WordPress.

After You Installed WordPress

Assuming you already installed WordPress in Hostgator, all you need to do is to log in in your admin panel and create new post. Do not forget to create “about page”, “contact page” and some important pages like privacy policy or terms and conditions.

Just write what you know. It is recommended to write a blog post related to what is your blog is all about. If you blog is about insurance, it is not good if you write a blog post about gardening or pets.

Image Credit: Anontmous Account on Creative Commons 2.0 via Flickr

If you will think about it, it seems it requires lot of work. But, it’s not. Believe me, in just 5 minutes you can set up a new blog. However, making money with a blog is a different story.

Drive Traffic to Your New Blog

Should I start monetizing my new blog? Nope. Generate traffic to your new blog through social sites, forums, and through article writing. If your blog is new, tell your friends and neighbors about it. The more people will visit your blog, the easier it will be for you to make money with it.

You can ask your friends or connections to visit your blog. Just share your blog link on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest and any social media sites.

Aside from social media sites, participate in forums and comment to other blogs. Leave a useful comment that add value to the discussion and leave your link there using your real name as the anchor text. Do not spam other blogs.

Making Money with a Blog

There are many ways to make money with a blog. Many bloggers are making money through affiliate marketing, selling their own products or services or through selling advertising space.

Just choose one of these techniques. Affiliate marketing is selling other people’s products or services and when you make sales, you will earn commissions. The most profitable is selling your own products to your blog visitors. If you have huge blog visitors, you can sell your blog space. Sell advertising space.

How Much Money to Make with a Blog?

Maybe you think and ask; is it really worth to invest in a blog? How much can I get when I blog? The answer is “it depends on how you want to work for it”.

Even in traditional business, the amount of money you earn will depend on how many people will buy your products. Therefore, if many people do visit and love your blog, the more money you can earn.


To start blogging is easy but make money with it is a different story. You need to invest money in a blog. You can get the return on your investment easily in blogging, actually it only takes 2 or 3 months to get ROI.

Just be willing to write article for your blog, be willing to spend time promoting it to other people. The more people you convince to visit your blog, the more money you can make.

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