Finding the Most Helpful Apps for Creating Invoices


During my time as a business student and an intern at numerous small businesses, I realized how time-consuming creating invoices was. And, although it seems easy, one small misstep can cause a huge headache.

As I was attempting to help one of my bosses recently, I discovered this group of mobile apps than can help create invoices efficiently and effectively.


Useful Apps for Creating Invoices

From payment apps to invoicing services and more, there are a variety of these apps, each with all of their own perks. And even if you’re not a business owner, there are always times in life when someone owes you money or you owe someone else money. Make sure to check out all of the criteria so that you can download the apps that can help your business or personal life the most.

Make Payments with Ease

In the modern world, making payments via check or with cash is really not an option. For small businesses who may have remote employees or contractors they don’t see very often, electronic pay is often easier. Mobile payment apps can help you pay these kinds of employees with ease in a safe and secure manner.

Even if you’re not a small business, these apps can be very helpful. Let’s say you’re heading to dinner with a group of friends. Instead of confusing the waiter with a split bill, one of you can pay the whole bill and get money from the others through a mobile payment app. Concert tickets, vacations, you name it. These apps will help large groups pay each other back easily.

Image Credit: Microsiervos via Flickr CC 2.0 – Finding the Most Helpful Apps for Creating Invoices

Image Credit: Microsiervos via Flickr CC 2.0 – Finding the Most Helpful Apps for Creating Invoices

Link Payments to Invoices

Now, if you are a small business owner, you know the importance of maintaining the budget. You can utilize helpful mobile apps that will actually link your payments to your invoices so that you can ensure you remain on budget, within your plan, and all caught up on everything you need to pay for.

You’ll also be able to track the invoices to your customers and fill the budget in as they pay you what you’re owed. This cuts out half of the work on your end while also keeping you in the know about which customers still owe you money for services.

Pay and Invoice from the Same Apps

With that being said, invoice apps and payment apps are all very effective. But this is the 21st century. Surely your choices aren’t limited to one or the other, right? Why not have the best of both worlds? There are plenty of apps out there that can do both payments and invoices all at once.

Think about how much easier your day-to-day tasks will be if you can do both of these at once. Let’s say you sell an item to a customer. Using your one-stop-shop mobile app, you can actually invoice them right away. And then, they can pay you back using the same mobile app. Cutting out the disconnect and the middleman can get you paid faster. And getting you paid faster will help you budget much more accurately throughout the month.


With easy to access payment options and invoice sending capabilities, invoice and payment mobile apps can be the key to keeping your business on track. And for those of you who might not even be involved with business, you can make sure you keep your own budget up to date by paying what you owe quickly, as well as receiving payment back for anything that might be owed to you. In a world where convenience is king, invoicing doesn’t have to be an exception.

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