Business Tips: Study Without Action is Futile, Entrepreneurs’ Reminders


Here’s another business tips for every entrepreneurs. Have you read this before;

Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile. Mary Ritter Beard


This page is a reminder for every entrepreneurs out there. Entrepreneurs know that “action without study is fatal”. Any actions without study can only lead to failures or disasters. A good entrepreneur know what actions to take in order for him to succeed.He choose carefully his actions and before he act, he carefully examine and analyze everything.

What does it mean that a “study without action is futile”.It simply means even though you make a study, you spend more time and money in studying everything about your business,all is pointless if you will not take action.

For you to make this topic very clear, let us know the other meaning of “futile”. If fatal means “leading to failure”, a futile means;

  • fruitless
  • vain
  • ineffective
  • useless

Entrepreneurs’ Reminder

Therefore guys, you need to take actions in order for you to make everything works. After you studied, you are now prepared to prevent, analyzed and minimized the risks in your business.

In our previous article we also talk about planning and goal setting. In any areas of life, you will only succeed if you keep on taking actions but be careful to the actions you take. Massive actions can lead to success or failures.Actions can lead to success if there was a careful study behind that actions.

Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile. Mary Ritter Beard

If you learn from your mistakes or failure,you can succeed. But if not, you’re into insanity.You are doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.If you want a great business results,you should take different actions. And if you found effective action or strategy, then follow it over and over until you get your desired results.

Again, let us remind Daily Investing Tips readers;

Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile. Mary Ritter Beard

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